Do you write great lesson plans: You can make money on them!
If you're not participating in Edbloggernews, you're really missing out. I just found this gem that I'm going to look into more. It references an article posted yesterday from CNN about the new website
You upload all file types of ORIGINAL work and it can be purchased and downloaded by other teachers for use in their classroom. You get 85% of the proceeds. I'm probably going to sign up without paying the fee to see what I think. (There is a $29.95 fee annual fee to participate.) He has recruited several award winning teachers who are already submitting plans for sale.
I have full PowerPoints, handouts, and resources for so many of my lessons. I've hesitated to share all of them because there seem to be pirates out there that like to snitch material and market it as their own. This is a way for me to market and share that material so it doesn't gather dust on my shelf. Much like ebay, buyers will rate the sellers on this market and what could emerge is a powerful tool to facilitate exchange of effective classroom materials.
I'm going to look at it more and let you know what I think. Meanwhile, it is worth a look and I like the idea.
I have to wonder if school districts will pay for such material or if it will be yet another expense out of the teacher's pocket. I almost wish he would rename it so that it would sound more legitimate on the PO. "School resource market" or something like that. Having worked with the public school system, there's a lot in a name. I would be afraid would raise red flags in bookkeeping.
Another benefit from the New Net! Now, get there and make money off that lesson plan you slaved over!