Spend Time in the Flat Classroom
I have been remiss in posting the Flat Classroom events and times for the Global Education conference but Julie Lindsay has collected all of the remaining live events for Thursday and Friday. Thanks Julie! If you want to hear from students or just a few of our teachers (many have already presented) please do!
All times listed below are GMT http://www.globaleducationconference.com/ schedule-gmt.html
but you can set your own timezone VERY easily by going to http://www.globaleducationconference.com/ schedule.html
Have a great conference day!
Julie Lindsay
Educator Advisory Board Chair
Global Education Conference
The following are teachers and supporters of Flat Classroom and we encourage you to attend their sessions!
Thursday November 18 and Friday November 19!!
Wednesday 9pm GMT - (ok, this is on right now! Make sure you listen to the recording!!)
"TITLE: ANSER Got Rights PRESENTER: Jackie Gerstein, ANSER Charter School (USA) ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 3D169A3ACEB579B1F02A2663A80AC6 FORMAT: Panel LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: The ANSER Junior High Students will present the Human Rights celebration we held. Groups of students studied and presented individual rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We connected the rights with the real world, our community, and ended with a Human Rights celebration at a local park. Our work and media from our performance can be found at http://anser.weebly.com/index. html . We will review these during our presentation. WEBSITE: http://anser.weebly.com/index. html TRACK: Student"
Thursday 1am GMTTITLE: ProjectGI - Peace Education & Technology PRESENTER: A.J. Juliani, Wissahickon High School and Project: Global Inform (USA) ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 886DB8156F18EA5417AA9B921FC8CD FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: Project: Global Inform (PGI) is an in-school project where students use technology and social media to spread awareness about human rights violations. PGI came out of the idea that we too often “teach” our students about genocide and human rights violations, but never “do” anything about it. This project’s main objective is to create awareness about current human rights violations in our schools, communities, and abroad. PGI was piloted at Wissahickon High School in 2009 and 2010, and is currently expanding to a global project this year. This presentation will take you through the process from start to finish! WEBSITE: http://project-inform.org/ TRACK: Global Issues"
Thursday 12 midday GMT
TITLE: Inside ITGS: Cyber-Students Share their Connected Learning PRESENTER: Julie Lindsay, Beijing (BISS) International School (China) CO-PRESENTER(S): Madeleine Brookes / Students from China ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 363ECFBB6A8B7916D058A55F05F499 FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: Inside ITGS is a collaboration that started between two schools in China. The aim of Inside ITGS is to join students together in a flattened virtual learning environment thereby providing enhanced opportunities for cultural awareness and global collaboration as well as explore and evaluate IT tools and systems in an authentic and social context. Join Grade 11 Information Technology in a Global Society students from Beijing (BISS) International School and Western Academy Beijing as they present and discuss about what it means to be a connected and collaborative online learner with the ‘Inside ITGS’ community. Topics covered include best tools to support online learning, global digital citizenship perspectives, and challenges to connected learning in a global sense. WEBSITE: http://insideitgs.net http://inside itgs.ning.com http://insideitgs.wikispaces. com SPONSORING PARTNER: Flat Classroom Project TRACK: Student"
Thursday 1pm GMT
TITLE: Constructing Knowledge and Solving Problems for a Global Education. PRESENTER: Kevin Crouch, The American School of Bombay (India) ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. A9E2ECF67939F27439FBB91EE8E84B FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: This presentation will focus on how collaborative productivity tools such as Google Apps in conjunction with social-constructivist tools such as Voicethread can be used together to provide a convenient center of learning for activities supporting a global education. Students can plan inquiry, collect data, discuss results, and present findings collaboratively and asynchronously from any part of the world. Furthermore, all the activities can be embedded and monitored in a central location. TRACK: Teacher"
Thursday 3pm GMT
TITLE: Flat Classroom Project Student Summit PRESENTER: Honor Moorman, The International School of the Americas (USA) CO-PRESENTER(S): Cassie Allen / ""21st-Century Global Leadership"" students ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 616EBAB340DECDBA972DC1EEE5B1A1 FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: Secondary students from The International School of the Americas in San Antonio, Texas, USA are participating in the Flat Classroom Project as an integral part of their ""21st-Century Global Leadership"" class. In this session, they will share what they've learned about the technology trends described by Thomas Friedman as ""flatteners"" in his book, The World is Flat. Students will also reflect on what they've learned about collaboration and communication through their participation in this global project. The students are leading the way; join us to hear what they have to say about global education! WEBSITE: http://21globalleadership. wikispaces.com/ SPONSORING PARTNER: Flat Classroom Project TRACK: Student"
Thursday 7pm GMT
TITLE: Global Issues Project PRESENTER: Ray Jones, Qatar Academy, Doha, Qatar (State of Qatar) ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 0CA5AEB5339630F888FC96A3B86999 FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: Workshop Title: Global Issues Project: Creating a Community of Connected and Collaborative Learners. Targeted Audience: Middle Grades/High School. Description: For this online workshop, educators will be given an overview of the online project and how they can apply concepts of creating a community of connected and collaborative learners in their classroom and beyond. Various Web 2.0 applications will be explored among them wikis, Ning, etherpad and Google apps. Current action research, school collaborations, NETS standards, IB MYP curriculum connections will also be highlighted. This workshop will be immersive, interactive and educators will come away with an action plan, as well as learn how to become part of the Global Issues Project. WEBSITE: 20globalissues.wikispaces.com TRACK: Teacher"
Thursday 9pm GMT
"KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Vicki Davis ORGANIZATION: Flat Classroom Project™ (http://www.flatclassroomproject.net/) ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM: https://sas.elluminate.com/d. jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 649349FB46AF2BA93D6B248D5BAD49 PRESENTATION: Flatten Your Classroom: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time. Global collaboration can seem daunting to many Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay, co founders of the Flat Classroom projects (including Flat Classroom, Digiteen, NetGenEd, and Eracism projects) have created a series of steps for connecting and flattening the classroom on a global basis providing a simple progression for teachers and schools to globalize their work. Join Vicki for a lively conversation about the steps to globalize and share your own experience in the backchannel. TRACK: Teacher BIO: Vicki Davis is a teacher and the IT director at Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia. Vicki co-created four award winning international wiki-centric projects, the Flat Classroom™ project, the NetGenEd™ Project, the Eracism Project™, the Horizon project, and Digiteen™ with teacher Julie Lindsay, currently in Bejing. She is cofounder of the Flat Classroom Conference to be held in Beijing, China in February 2010. These projects have linked more than 2800 students from both public and private schools in such countries as Austria, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Qatar, Pakistan, Romania, and the USA. These collaborative projects harnessing the most powerful Web 2.0 tools available including plns, wikis, blogs, digital storytelling, podcasts, social bookmarking, OpenSim Virtual worlds and more. Vicki has been featured in various media including Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat, Don Tapscott's Grown Up Digital, the Wall Street Journal, and the Boston Globe and more. Vicki blogs at the Cool Cat Teacher blog which won the 2008 Edublog Award for Best Teacher Blog and other awards. She was named a pioneer in Open Source Virtual World Technology in October 2009. Vicki is a Google Certified Teacher and Discovery S.T.A.R. Educator. Vicki is also a writer and conference presenter. She lives in Camilla, Georgia where she is a full time high school teacher, wife, and mother of three."
Friday 1am GMT
TITLE: 21st Century Literacy and Global Competence Flourish in the Flat Classroom™ Project PRESENTER: Honor Moorman, The International School of the Americas (U.S.A.) CO-PRESENTER(S): Catherine M, Edward M, Emily J, and Scott B ELLUMINATE SESSION ROOM (open one hour before session): https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=gec2010&password=D. 38B4E258EAFFD9D9787327D1F355B6 FORMAT: Presentation LANGUAGE: English SHORT DESCRIPTION: This presentation will translate theory into practice by demonstrating how the Flat Classroom™ Project helps students develop 21st century literacies and global competencies. Student presenters will facilitate a guided tour of their digital footprints to showcase the knowledge and skills they gained by participating in the project. This student work will bring to life three key frameworks: the National Council of Teachers of English Definition of 21st Century Literacies, the Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning’s description of global competence, and the Flat Classroom™ Project seven steps pedagogy. Participants will learn about effective teaching strategies and tools for helping students communicate, collaborate, and co-create with international peers. WEBSITE: http://21globalleadership. wikispaces.com/ SPONSORING PARTNER: Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning and Flat Classroom™ Project TRACK: Curriculum"