Teacher's Garden

"In our garden there's a flower
always blooming just for you.
Whether sunshine or in shower,
In our garden there's a flower.
A teacher's love has super power
We give thanks for all you do-
In our garden there's a flower
always blooming just for you."
-Andromeda Jazmon
"dedicated to Ms. Rhonda Bush April 29, 2011"
"they are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do." Psalm 1:3

I'm sitting in our outdoor classroom waiting for my son to get finished in the learning lab and as I looked at the corn, okra, beans, and the most beautiful zinnas I've seen in a long time, I came across the dedication sign that we put up in honor of an amazing K4 teacher, Ms. Rhonda Bush.
I'm finally home after being gone for 12 days! Too long in my book. I've been away from home more than at home the last month and I'm completely worn out. It is time to recharge so I can be ready for August, which will be here too fast.
There is an ironclad rule about gardens -- three actually:
- You harvest what you plant
- Your habits in the garden determine the quality and quantity of the harvest * Do you hoe or weed every day?
* Whatever you water, grows.
Whatever you do now, you will reap when school starts:
- What you learn this summer will come out in your teaching in the fall.
- What you plan and do now will determine how well you start?
* Do you map out your plan for the year?
* Take the school calendar and put it on the plan so you have no surprises.
* Plan ahead for those field trips etc. and get those arranged FIRST so there is less stress for you.
* Determine how you'll be communicating with parents and set it up NOW. Plan ahead.
* What is going on your door? This sets the theme of the year in many ways.
- A very important one: Did you rest this summer? (I'm speaking to myself here as much as you. Take the time to unwind so you're ready for the fall.)
Just some thoughts from the teacher's garden. Teachers, you rock!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad