Edusketching: A Tool to Help Students Understand Complex Concepts
Every Classroom Matters Episode 213
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Your recall of information is up to 55% greater with the use of a picture linked to the content, according to edusketch expert and National Board Certified Teacher, Wendy Pillars. Wendy coined the term edusketch and authored the book Visual NoteTaking for Educators: A Teacher’s Guide to Student Creativity.
OK, busy teachers, this is something you can do with a marker and a piece of paper. If you will learn this technique, you can help students learn better! No technology required! This is something all of us can do with students of all ages. We can all edusketch.
Listen to the show and then dig deep into edusketching resources at the bottom of this post to get started.
Essential Questions: Edusketching: A Tool to Help Students Understand Complex Concepts
- What is the difference between visual notetaking and edusketching?
- Why does Wendy prefer markers and paper over iPads?
- What if students say they can’t draw or create?
- What is the neuroscience behind edusketching and memory improvement?
- Why adults seem to be intimidated more than students by edusketching and how to move past it?
- How can you handle criticism from colleagues when you try something new?
- What are some classroom examples of using edusketches with young students?
Educator Resources from this Episode with Wendy Pillars
- Add Wendy Pillars to your PLN: @wendi322
- Visual NoteTaking for Educators: A Teacher’s Guide to Student Creativity
- Ms. Wendy’s World Wonders – a treasure trove of Wendy’s work in the classroom RIGHT NOW
- Using Visual Notes in the Secondary Classroom – a how-to post from Wendy Pillars
- Visual Notetaking in the Classroom – a getting started guide from Wendy
Other Resources for Visual Notetaking, Notetaking, and Edusketching
- Note Taking Skills for 21st Century Students (Videos and tips on how I teach visual notetaking to my students.)
- Epic Sketchnoting Resources: How to Get Started Teaching Sketchnoting
- Sketchnoting Fans: paper 53 Built a Sketchnote Community
- Sketchnoting for Beginners by Sylvia Duckworth
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The post Edusketching: A Tool to Help Students Understand Complex Concepts appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
via Vicki Davis at Please also check out my show for busy teachers, Every Classroom Matters and my Free teaching tutorials on YouTube.