Join the Free EdNextGen Conference about Social Emotional Learning
Free this Week! Learn about Social Emotional Learning and the Impact on Kids
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Social Emotional Learning is so important. The free online conference going on now put together by Jason and Ceilia Hilkey with experts like Alfie Kohn, Tony Wagner and many more experts on this topic is a must-listen and share.
Register now for the free conference
My interview will air on Friday about Using Projects to teach Compassion AND Technology to share how compassion-based engineering works in the classroom. Teachers, administrators, homeschoolers, and parents will find inspiration.
Please join me for the Education: Next Generation Online Conference! This is a FREE global online event from May 23-27, 2016, bringing together the voices of over 25 experts and thought leaders in parenting and education. The conference is hosted by Jason and Cecilia Hilkey, educators and creators of Happily Family.
You’ll get access to cutting-edge interviews full of inspirational ideas and practical tools to raise and work with children using connection and cooperation. These educators, researchers, and authors support parents and teachers who desire to live more creatively and compassionately at home and school. You will leave more aware, more empowered, and with the tools you need to help children (and yourself) LEAD, LEARN & LOVE! (See below for the schedule.)
Some of the speakers (I’m one too):
- Alfie Kohn (Author of Feel Bad Education and Unconditional Parenting)
- Scott Noelle (Author of the Daily Groove and founder of PATH Parenting)
- don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. (Author of 5 Levels of Attachment)
- Dr. Ross Greene (Founder of Lives in the Balance, Author of The Explosive Child)
- Tony Wagner (Expert in Residence at Harvard’s Innovation Lab, Author of Most Likely to Succeed)
- Daniel Rechtschaffen (Author of The Way of Mindful Education)
- Vicki Davis (Classroom teacher and Author, Creator of Cool Cat Teacher blog)
- Maurice Elias (Psychology professor at Rutgers University, Author of Emotionally Intelligent Parenting)
- Todd and Cathy Adams (Hosts of Zen Parenting Radio)
- Naomi Aldort (Author of Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves)
Register now for the free conference
Conference Schedule
My Interview will air on Friday of the conference but wow, there are some amazing presenters.
Available via Recording
I’m a tad late so you don’t want to miss these, now you can purchase all of the videos to use from the conference site for those interviews which have already aired. So if you want to see these videos, you’ll want to go that route.
See More and Register at NO COST here.
Each day, from May 23-27, there will be 5 video interviews with expert speakers, available for viewing for 24 hours.
The full schedule of interviews and instructions for how to tune in will be emailed to you each day, so be sure to register!
This conference will bring tens of thousands of parents and educators together from all around the world to explore how we can raise happy, self-motivated, resilient kids.
The post Join the Free EdNextGen Conference about Social Emotional Learning appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
via Vicki Davis at Please also check out my show for busy teachers, Every Classroom Matters and my Free teaching tutorials on YouTube.