Daily Spotlight on Education 07/24/2009

  • I love how tweetmeme lets me track this - my all time most tweeted blog post is this one from this past April about my favorite apps and tools. It is also the single longest blog post I've written in terms of time - topping about 10 hours of work!

    tags: education, learning, tools, technology, edu_newapp

  • Those who have panicked that their Twitter followers have dropped - don't be paranoid! The twitter spammers have again taken the axe. Twitter self corrects about every 90 days and you'll get used to it.

    The fact is that Twitter is for meaningful, authentic communication - albeit short and if you do that, it can be a fun, and useful part of your personal learning network. It is unique to you and how you want to do it! Remember that it is not about the followers although you'll have people direct message you that you can somehow buy 200 or even 500 followers a day -- like that will enrich your life! Come on -- twitter is great and it is not about how many people follow YOU anyway - if you get tied up in that too much then you're probably really there for just selfish reasons anyway. Enjoy and have fun!

    tags: education, learning, twitter

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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