Savoring Recipe Searches: Capturing and Clipping the Succulent
So, I've really not played with Bing too much - Google is so tightly integrated with much of what I do. However, if you're like me and you are a busy Mom and spend Saturdays planning the meals for the upcoming weeks, you may also find a reason to head over to Bing for their new Recipe search. As I read my daily updates from TechCrunch
(Kindle Edition,) and saw Bam! Bing Now Cooks Up Recipes, I shot up from my milk and cereal past my just stirred and still spinning coffee and ran to the computer.
As a HUGE fan of (one of the best recipe sites on the web - everything highly rated there is just incredibly good!) - when I saw that Bing's search for recipes come up, I was ecstatic!
After reading the The Good Mood Diet: Feel Great While You Lose Weight
, I've been working hard to incorporate fish into our meals at least five times a week, the problem is that my southern cookbooks don't have many good baked recipes for fish in there. I love to cook and when I do, it had better be delicious!
So, I picked up some cod fish on sale at the store and needed a good recipe to fix for my husband, who got called away to oversee inventory at the plant from 6am to 6 pm today. If I'm going to serve Kip fish, it had better be good, or he's going to Dairy Queen. ;-)
So, now, I'm wanting to get these recipes in a way I can use it (like on my Kindle
.) So, I'm a HUGE Diigo fan, but also have been wanting to use Instapaper on the Kindle (which is said to be the "killer app" for the Kindle before they even release the app store.) Instapaper has a great post on how to set this up.
So, I followed the instructions to set up my Kindle for wireless delivery of Instapaper. I put the "read later" bookmarklet on my firefox web browser. But here is the deal, AMAZON CHARGES FOR THIS. So, I only want to send those items that I want to actually cook that week to go to my Kindle. I'm using this just for recipes that will actually make it onto the Davis table.
So, I go to Amazon, click on my account, and then on Manage Your Kindle about halfway down the page to add the instapaper email to your address. Now, if you're like me and use use instapaper for other things but don't want all those going to your Kindle - I actually have two user ID's and the one for recipes is set up to send automatically to my Kindle and the other one is not (but will go to my iTouch if I need an article from my non-recipe ID.)
Now, a couple notes on Bing recipe search. A couple of recipes DON'T show the whole recipe in Search - see this for Barbequed Salmon.
Also, the only sites serving up recipes right now are myrecipes and Epicurious. This means that I still have to run over to Allrecipes to get some, although the Instapaper feature still lets me capture those and pull to my Kindle.
(Cool tip - when you find a recipe you like on your Kindle - clip it and it sends it to your clippings - then when you sync those clippings to your computer, you can just copy and paste the receipe into word or whatever you use for your personal cookbook - you've got it!)
So, this is a start and is just the tailored search feature that a specific market (i.e. those of us who love cooking good food) enjoys. Just expand the partners and pull the content into one place. Surely these recipe sites will NOT want this to happen since recipes are what they share, but perhaps some sort of revenue sharing proposition can be worked out to truly make recipe searches powerful and our tables more delicious with less time spent browsing our many cookbooks.
As a HUGE fan of (one of the best recipe sites on the web - everything highly rated there is just incredibly good!) - when I saw that Bing's search for recipes come up, I was ecstatic!
After reading the The Good Mood Diet: Feel Great While You Lose Weight
So, I picked up some cod fish on sale at the store and needed a good recipe to fix for my husband, who got called away to oversee inventory at the plant from 6am to 6 pm today. If I'm going to serve Kip fish, it had better be good, or he's going to Dairy Queen. ;-)
So, now, I'm wanting to get these recipes in a way I can use it (like on my Kindle
So, I followed the instructions to set up my Kindle for wireless delivery of Instapaper. I put the "read later" bookmarklet on my firefox web browser. But here is the deal, AMAZON CHARGES FOR THIS. So, I only want to send those items that I want to actually cook that week to go to my Kindle. I'm using this just for recipes that will actually make it onto the Davis table.
So, I go to Amazon, click on my account, and then on Manage Your Kindle about halfway down the page to add the instapaper email to your address. Now, if you're like me and use use instapaper for other things but don't want all those going to your Kindle - I actually have two user ID's and the one for recipes is set up to send automatically to my Kindle and the other one is not (but will go to my iTouch if I need an article from my non-recipe ID.)
Now, a couple notes on Bing recipe search. A couple of recipes DON'T show the whole recipe in Search - see this for Barbequed Salmon.
Also, the only sites serving up recipes right now are myrecipes and Epicurious. This means that I still have to run over to Allrecipes to get some, although the Instapaper feature still lets me capture those and pull to my Kindle.
(Cool tip - when you find a recipe you like on your Kindle - clip it and it sends it to your clippings - then when you sync those clippings to your computer, you can just copy and paste the receipe into word or whatever you use for your personal cookbook - you've got it!)
So, this is a start and is just the tailored search feature that a specific market (i.e. those of us who love cooking good food) enjoys. Just expand the partners and pull the content into one place. Surely these recipe sites will NOT want this to happen since recipes are what they share, but perhaps some sort of revenue sharing proposition can be worked out to truly make recipe searches powerful and our tables more delicious with less time spent browsing our many cookbooks.