Death on Twitter: How Do We Discuss with Students?
Just read this on Mashable where the Attorney General who gave the go-ahead for a firing squad execution Tweeted out the announcement. Mashable asked if it was too far?

Whether it was "too far" or not, I think it was in very poor taste. I think this is a poor use of Twitter or any type of media, but particularly Twitter. If it cannot be explained in 140 characters, it doesn't really belong in a Tweet, does it?
I'd really like to know what you all think. Feel free to comment here or over at Mashable, however, I've set up a Twitter poll to get your feedback.
You know, I'm coming back to this with another question. I talk to students all the time about "appropriateness" of posting things that should not be shared. How do I reconcile this? They see this as a person in authority. I don't know, I'm really upset and struggling this one as a teacher who discusses social media in the classroom on a daily basis.
How would you discuss this if a student brought this up to you in class? I'd really like to know.

Whether it was "too far" or not, I think it was in very poor taste. I think this is a poor use of Twitter or any type of media, but particularly Twitter. If it cannot be explained in 140 characters, it doesn't really belong in a Tweet, does it?
I'd really like to know what you all think. Feel free to comment here or over at Mashable, however, I've set up a Twitter poll to get your feedback.
You know, I'm coming back to this with another question. I talk to students all the time about "appropriateness" of posting things that should not be shared. How do I reconcile this? They see this as a person in authority. I don't know, I'm really upset and struggling this one as a teacher who discusses social media in the classroom on a daily basis.
How would you discuss this if a student brought this up to you in class? I'd really like to know.