Focus on your habits to shape your destiny

"Successful, happy people have good habits that are life enhancing."
Brian Tracy, Focal Point loc. 203
What You DO Makes YOU!
Draw a line down the middle of a page. Make a list of the things you do EVERY day or almost every day. On the right side, list the end result of a person who does that every day.
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  • Spend time talking with my spouse --> I know my spouse.
  • Eat a DQ Blizzard every day --> Gain weight.
  • Exercise --> Stay healthy.
  • Lose my temper every day --> heart attack.
  • sit on the couch and watch TV for 5 hours every night --> weight gain, lack of sleep?

Be honest.

What you DON'T do makes you TOO!
Make a list of the things you don't do in your day. What is the result of NOT doing that?
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  • I don't smoke --I can be healthy.
  • I don't spent time with my children. --> They will not talk to me.
  • I don't exercize. -- I will shorten my life span.

If you want to be even more proactive - ask your family about your habits. Or, look at the research relating to your topic. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Do you take breaks. (Read The Way We're Working Isn't Working for some great research on these habits.)

 "We form our habits, and then our habits form us" Brian Tracy, Focal Point, loc. 207
We all have traits we like and those we don't. But we have a lot more control over our lives than we think we do. 
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Tackle one habit for the rest of April. Set an appointment for when you will do that habit. Read about how to accomplish that habit. Decide that you are going to put that into your lifestyle.

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Last month I decided I would make sure I get up every morning at 5am (I had been but my morning was unstructured.) I have quiet time from 5 am - 5:45 am and then 5:45 - 6:30 am - I blog. 
After an "unexpected surprise" this week, I now "balance checkbook" before blogging. I balance my checkbook every morning before I blog - which usually only takes 3-4 minutes but makes a big difference in my life.
These are the habits that shape my life and are improving it. If you want to improve your life -- look at your habits. Habits are hands that shape the clay of your life into a work of art to be admired or a big mess fit for the trash heap.

Focus on the habits and you shape your destiny.
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