A long list of primary education iPad apps from Jen, an educator from Australia.
From Steve Wheeler's blog -"I was quite impressed by Joyce Seitzinger's Professional Learning Environment (PLN) model that she presented at Deakin University in Melbourne this week. " some great thoughts to ponder here although I agree with Steve that this model looks like a first draft to me.
The charts cited in this article point out that college is more important than ever, especially for women- who need a college degree to make as much as a man with just a high school diploma. For everyone, college is essential just to make "a liveable wage." read and share. Ali to your students so they can make an educated decision. And if you say your students aren't "college material" then you are saying they are destined to be poor. That is just not good enough.
A lesson plan that uses Voicethread in language learning.
Here's another contest that may interest you. If you join TES Connect, you'll be entered to win $125US (equivalent of 100 British pounds) in Amazon vouchers. You can also download my 8th grade portfolio and other resources I've put exclusively on TES' website.
If you're a member of the TES Connect website that I've been talking about lately (they have tons of free resources) and need a new car. Invite 5 friends and be entered to win a new Fiat 500. Since you've heard me mention this website a bit lately, I thought you might want to know. You have to join TES yourself first to enter. This contest is open world wide.
The recordings from the Global Education conference. Lots of great sessions to listen to and learn from over the next year until next November.
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Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are