Daily Spotlight on Education 11/04/2009
Social networks and kids: How young is too young? - CNN.com
Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools.
Crowdsourcing or Loudsourcing? | ISTE Connects - Educational Technology
Blogged my thoughts on crowdsourcing the ISTE keynote this year.
Findings - Ethnographic Study Looks at Gossip in the Workplace - NYTimes.com
Office gossip (this study on an elementary school and their gossip against a principal) hurts EVERYONE including your school and in this case, test scores declined. Remember that when you gossip, you also hurt yourself and if you didn't already know this, take a read here about office gossip and how to intervene and stop it.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.