
Showing posts from January, 2010

Upon becoming a mother

Funday Monday: Start Your Week with a Smile (weekly)

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/31/2010

A Double Take Away: Display Objects and Social Media Powered Research

Beware of the Brown Pandas and Revigated Water

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/29/2010

Super Social Safety: Digiteens Share the Best (and Worst) in Social Sites for Kids

That's really interesting: How someone playing around found a major nanotechnology discovery

See you in Arkansas, I hope.

Don't Write Me Off: The Resurrection and Retrieval of Data

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/27/2010

Wikis: The Graphene of Information

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/26/2010

Being a First Rate "You"

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/24/2010

Savoring Recipe Searches: Capturing and Clipping the Succulent

Daily Spotlight on Education 01/22/2010

Would you take a moment to help my friend Marie?

21st Century Influencer: A Plethora of Slides