Voting is Open! Which global collaborative idea is the best? #flatclass2011

The Flat Classroom Conference 2011 held in Beijing, China at Beijing BISS International School was a powerful and moving experience. A special thank you to Julie Lindsay, organizer and Steve Madsen (see the 2008 post I wrote on him), administrator. They did a tremendous job!

If you couldn't be there, now is your chance.  The conference chose the top six student projects and worked with Frank Guttler and Bernajean Porter on telling their story and inspiring others to take action (with only 4-5 hours to storyboard, shoot, and produce!)

This would be a great project for students as it helps see what is possible. (Too see the student names, go to the video links below, but I left off the countries to prevent any bias.)

Step 1: View Student Videos
This strand was about making a difference and casting a vision from students from different schools to the world as to what they think educational global collaboration should be. See any common trends?

Culture Connect

Team 1: Culture Connect

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Clear Water

Team 6: Clear Water

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Movement 9

Team 9: Movement 9

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Cultural Connect
Team 13: Cultural Connect

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Creative Recycling

Team 15: Creative Recycling
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Team 19: Enermeter

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Step 2: Review Teacher Projects

This was a tough strand where educators pitched their ideas to students but then had rigorous standards to demonstrate the academic rigor required in the global collaboration. This was the first time running the leadership strand completely project based. We did learn a lot. Any mistakes, I'll certainly take credit for as the organizer for this strand, but the presenters were outstanding and did a great job as they worked through this new form of conferencing model. It was an honor to work amont them.

Team 10: Tackling Transport Together
Team 13: Chatter Books
Team 17: TCK Travel

Step 3: Vote
It is your time to vote on the best student and teacher project using the voting form.

Possible Uses: Have your students vote. Email and ask your teachers vote. This could open discussions of the importance of visual literacy as well as possibilities for global collaboration. 

Voting is open through March 12th, so spread the word. Please vote.

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