Cheri Toledo and her class of students on WOW2 tonight
Join us as we break ground with an online conversation with teachers in the field and teachers in a doctoral program with Dr. Cheri Toledo, from Illinois State University.This is how experienced teachers are embracing the new technologies.
Outline for Tuesday evening.
Sound checks between 8:30 and 8:45 EST pm Tues.Then at 8:50, I will start streaming, where you can listen at Channel A, and join the chat as well. You only need to put your name NO password to join t he chat. Since you are part of the show you may want to put your name Julie wow guest, so people will know you are part of the show!
Responsibilities: Cheryl - podmaster; Jen - Wiki links; Sharon - Chat; Vicki - Chat
I. Introduction of Guests
Karen - wikis
Julie - blogging
Larry - Superintendent-ideas for implementation
Kathy - podcasting in secondary English literture
Colleen - 3rd grade blogging
II.Since many of our listeners are considered "first wave" adopters of new technologies and new web tools, we are very interested in how we can continue bringing more people to this new way of doing business in education.
Here are the questions:
a. Do you consider yourself a first wave adopter and why? Where do you get the support to continue trying new things?
b. Do you consider yourself a second wave adopter and why? Where do you get the support to continue trying new things?
c. If you did not have a course requirement to try blogging, wikis, podcasting, Skyping, what things wouldn't you be trying?
d. What is your biggest challenge with all the new Web 2.0 tools?
e. Now that you have tried many new Web 2.0 tools what things will you definately have in your classroom ? What is it that you can't live without?
III. We applaud you and all the great work you are doing! Here is your opportunity to have your questions answered! There is a worldwide audience, so please ask away if you are trying to make connections with other classrooms or projects.