Daily Spotlight on Education 12/05/2008
Support my students and their work to get Google's attention - this is their first blog post and the debut of the blog. Please read what they've drafted as their plan and follow their blog -- help them! They're so few and Google is big - at least share their story!
Weavlink Virtual High Schools Holds Forum in Lively
So, lively is starting to be used in schools -- only a few days left until Google Shuts it down - my students are asking everyone they know to get an account to show Google that this is something that people want to use.
Beware of the Doghouse - just a funny video
We don't "do" the doghouse in my house - but this parody is something that will make you snicker. Especially the man giving his wife the absercizer and not having a clue that he's offending her.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.