Why Do We Ask Kids to Sit Down and Learn When the Research Says…

How Sedentary Education Hurts Kids

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

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Many kids may not have ADD or ADHD but have those symptoms because their school is requiring them to sit for such long periods of time, according to Dr. Brad Johnson. Today’s guest shares the latest research about physical activity and school performance. Not surprisingly, Brad speaks against “sedentary education” and the negative impact it has on learning and student health.

need more physical activity in schools
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In support physical education, Brad shares how classrooms in Finland take fifteen minutes for every forty five minutes of learning for recess. Thus, Finnish teachers get more done in that 45 minute period than most teachers get done in 60 minutes of sedentary learning.

Additionally, Brad also notes that only one in twelve students today has the core strength of students from the 1980’s. However, this isn’t just about physical activity. Interestingly, core strength effects the same area of the brain (executive functioning) as learning. Therefore, Brad says, core strength can help improve achievement.

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Show Notes:

  • What are the academic reasons we need more movement in our classrooms?
  • What did Dr. Mark Benden at Texas A&M discover that has allowed some students in classrooms to reduce their medication for ADD & ADHD?
  • Are there some simple activities that help students learn better? (Even by the desk.)
  • How do you justify the increase in physical activity to administrators and those who are evaluating you as a teacher?
  • Check out Brad’s book  Learning on Your Feet: Incorporating Physical Activity in the K-8 classroom.

Who is Dr. Brad Johnson?

Dr. Brad Johnson is an international speaker in the field of education. He is author of What Schools Don’t Teach: 20 Ways to Help Students Excel in School and in Life and his latest book, From School Administrator to School Leader: 15 Keys to Maximizing Your Leadership Potential.

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The post Why Do We Ask Kids to Sit Down and Learn When the Research Says… appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

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