The most exciting K12 wiki project I've ever seen!
We've entered Phase 3
I must say that this project is getting very exciting! With over 30 educators from almost every continent, the wiki work is heating up! I had over 64 edits in my bloglines after I retired last night at 10:30! Some of the work is amazing!As I and the moderators of each area worked to create the "critical questions" for this project we asked ourselves several questions:
- What are some topics that will require even the most highly educated teacher to do a little digging on the Internet? (We want to give the experience of learning via wiki.)
- What questions, if they were answered in a meaningful format, would most help other educators in this emerging Web 2.0 world?
- What questions do we think are most important for helping students succeed?
I am giving you a copy of what I"ve posted on the wiki homepage -- if any of the links do not work, go to And if you see a question you could contribute to, then ask to join up. I will allow up to 5 participants on each wiki through tomorrow. We really need another person on the Science area so we can do that wiki!
Reprinted from K12wiki project
Current Wiki Notes from Vicki
K12 Online Conference Team Assignments have been made. Go to your subject page for specifics. I've posted an overview of each question and the participants on this home page.Introduction to Wikis Presentation and Resources (including video)
Team Assignments
Where are they?
Assignments with details about how to start are found on the subject pages.Subjects
Arts Math Languages Literature Science Social Studies Technology Elementary EdOverview of Assignments
Wiki #1 - Arts
Virtual Art GalleriesStudents crave an audience. Some art programs are beginning to experiment with virtual art galleries. Your assignment is to propose guidelines for an effective online student art gallery and some methods that may be used by beginners to do this in ways that teach art, provide an audience, and protect privacy. Participants: ckaminski, sadams23 - Orlando, FL
Wiki #2 - Math
Effective Math VideosIt is can be difficult to “differentiate instruction” for Math. With the inception of GoogleVideo and youtube, an increasing number of entertaining, informative math videos have become available to supplement the math curriculum. The problem is that most math educators do not know that they are there. Your wiki assignment is to find video on the web that could supplement a math curriculum. Include a hyperlink to the video (or embed it in the wiki). List the objective that is taught through the video, and your suggestions how it may be used. Optionally, if you find classrooms that are effectively using video as a mechanism to reinforce math concepts, share that information. Participants: charbeck1, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada; JSGeometry Decatur, AL
Wiki #3 - Languages
Tandem Learning in Language InstructionWhat is tandem learning? What are ways it can be used in the high school language classroom through the use of technology? (Include hyperlinks, resources, and examples.) Participants: MrsEngra Camilla,Ga.- Spanish; langwitches, Jacksonville, FL - Spanish
Wiki #4 - Literature
Self Publishing for TeachersEvery student loves an audience, but many classrooms are not allowed to blog or wiki. Self-publishing is an emerging option for some teachers to consider. What are some self-publishing resources that are easy for teachers to use and instructions for their use? Can you find any examples of schools or teachers already doing this? What ideas do you have for their use? Participants: catenglish Camilla, GA; nancyscofield, Colorado City, CO; texasschoolmarm, Camp Wood, TX
Wiki #5 - Literature
Tandem Learning in Language ArtsWhat is tandem learning? How can tandem learning be used with student writing? Propose a tandem learning structure for the posting and evaluation of essays using Internet-enabled technology. (Include the structure for the student posting the essay, the student evaluating the essay,and the teacher(s).) Participants: readerdiane; crisp, Nicholasville, Kentucky
Wiki #6 - Science (Need one more participant.)
Simulated Laboratory Resources for K-12 scienceComputer laboratories are starting to replace the hands-on labs used in some advanced science courses. Look up some articles on the debate. It is difficult for teachers to determine which experiment should be done in the simulated laboratories and which should be done in an actual lab. Find some experiments. Include a hyperlink to the experiment, the hypotheses that is being tested, and your opinion about whether it would be better to do in a real environment or the simulated one. Participants: wbosworth, Greendale, WI USA
Because there is only one person signed up under Science, this participant may either: recruit other people, post alone, or join another assignment of your choice.
Wiki #7 - Social Studies
[[Code of Ethics for Teaching Citizen Journalists|]]Citizen Journalism Code of EthicsWhat is grassroots journalism (a/k/a citizen journalism) and what are examples of how it has affected recent news? Include examples. Propose a code of ethics for citizen journalists that could be shared in a high school or middle school classroom. Participants: julielindsay - Bangladesh; reuw - Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Israel; mrehberg - Jackson, MI
Wiki #8 - Technology
Disruptive Technology in the ClassroomWhat is disruptive technology? Why is it called that? Create a list of disruptive technology, explain why it is considered disruptive and try to find one example of each technology being used to teach in an effective manner. Participants: qdsouza - Toronto, Canada; CLykowski - Lambertville, Michigan; jgates513, Summerdale PA.; aquiram - Yuma, AZ
Wiki #9 - Technology
Tagging to help TeachersA wealth of curricula are being uploaded to youTube, Google Video, blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc. Some of things are being “tagged” appropriately and some are not. (See also folksonomy.) What is tagging? How can teachers use “tagging” to catalog their work? What would be the benefits of tagging standards? Create a proposed standard procedure that can be given to teachers to help them determine how to “tag” their digital work that is uploaded to the Internet so that it can be found and used appropriately. Participants: reuw - Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Israel, rmom - Unionville, PA, jfriesen - Austin, TX, eweinb04
Wiki #10 - Technology
Student Data Storage- Needs and MethodsStudents are increasingly required to produce and accumulate digital work. It is often stored in computer labs and purged at the end of the year. What is student data storage? Is it needed? You are to create a proposed methodology for student data storage that would be accessible to students after high school and also protects student privacy, rights and is fair (length of time it is available.) Participants: bookbird, Aliquippa, PA; maloneGE -VA; susanvg; cm_scholz - Cairo, Egypt
Note from Vicki: I almost took this one off, but when I showed my students the five questions I had drafted, they voted this one on. They said that this is their single biggest frustration and worry. Some students at other schools have created whole video productions that were "lost" over the summer. Students feel that they have a right to theri digital work and it often harms them when they cannot secure copies of their resume, etc. If our job as educators is to help students, this is an essential issue that should be discussed. I hope the participants will be excited about this assignment because my students said and I quote, "Teachers need to talk about protecting student digital work, it can be there to educate our grandchildren!"
Wiki #11 - Elementary Ed
Elementary School Internet Safety Code of ConductOne of the risks of bringing elementary students online is that of internet safety and privacy. Propose an internet safety code of conduct for elementary teachers. (include hyperlinks.) Optionally, you may include a list of reasons that elementary students participate in online activites. (You may include examples of worthwhile projects. This should include hyperlinks.) Participants: mjantzi Gifted Ed.Teacher (Gds. K-5) in Virginia; Brune (Gordon Brune), 5th Grade Teacher, Mamaroneck, NY; mrdarylpearson - Saskatchewan, Canada; coffey - Virginia
Is it too late to sign up?
(You may request to join projects in progress through Friday 10/27. Limit 5 per project.)
A - Get an account with wikispaces
B - Request to join this space
(Tell me your name, your school, your location, the age you teach, and a little about yourself and the PROJECT YOU WISH TO JOIN in the comments. I will do my best to accommodate everyone, but may not be able to.)
C- I will add your name to the project that you are assigned here on this home page.
D- Go to the home page of this wiki -
Click the Notify me tab and sign up for either e-mail updates or updates via RSS.
(This will tell you when we've entered the next phase of the project. Just make sure to check your e-mail/ RSS reader on Wednesday to see your instructions for editing. Or just come back here.)
Guidelines to Get Started
Here are the recommended steps.
1- The hyperlink above is the page that has been created to wiki this topic. (Click on the page to go there and begin editing.)
2 - First you should divide up the question into major headings. Type them in the wiki. Leave space in between for the text.
3 - Start by defining the topic. You may want to search on wikipedia or Google. Read information, go back to your wiki page, click edit, and summarize the information. Include a hyperlink to the source of your information.
4 - Repeat #3 until you have a good definition.
5 - Read what you have on the wiki and ask yourself, "What do I still not understand?" Go to the Internet and answer that question. Come back and post.
6 - Remember to subscribe to your page on the Notify Me tab so you know when your partner(s) posts!
How long should I spend?
We are recommending 10 minutes on one day, then, walk away and let your partner post. Then, add 10 minutes the next day.
Judges will be e-mailed a list of projects which have postings on Sunday morning at 9 am EST. You should complete your postings to the wiki by then, although you are encouraged to update your wiki project any time you have additional information.
What if I don't know anything about the topic?
The topics were selected are emerging, new topics. The purpose of this project is to show you how wikis create experts on a topic within a very short period of time. You will find that your research on the Internet causes you to form an opinion and add it to your current knowledge base. Remember, Wikis are not word processors. Go out to the Internet, grab a "nugget" and come back and post and save.
Project Notes
- All project instructions will be posted to the home page of this website.
- For complete project instructions, visit the project page.
- If you want to "play" on the wiki, go to the sandbox. Remember that people who post innappropriate information will be removed from the space!
How do I get Help?
We have created a mini help on wikispaces section to help you.Discussion Area
Go in the discussion area to discuss questions with your partner. (Remember to subscribe to the changes on your page!)
You have Moderators available to help you. If you post your question in the discussion area, they are "patrolling" via RSS and will emerge to help you and answer your questions on Thursday and Friday. (Moderators will not available on the weekend.)If you need help, you can go to the brief guide on this space or click help in the top right corner of every wikipage.Current Wiki Notes from Vicki
K12 Online Conference Team Assignments have been made. Go to your subject page for specifics. I've posted an overview of each question and the participants on this home page.Introduction to Wikis Presentation and Resources (including video)
Team Assignments
Where are they?
Assignments with details about how to start are found on the subject pages.Subjects
Arts Math Languages Literature Science Social Studies Technology Elementary EdOverview of Assignments
Wiki #1 - Arts
Virtual Art GalleriesStudents crave an audience. Some art programs are beginning to experiment with virtual art galleries. Your assignment is to propose guidelines for an effective online student art gallery and some methods that may be used by beginners to do this in ways that teach art, provide an audience, and protect privacy. Participants: ckaminski, sadams23 - Orlando, FL
Wiki #2 - Math
Effective Math VideosIt is can be difficult to “differentiate instruction” for Math. With the inception of GoogleVideo and youtube, an increasing number of entertaining, informative math videos have become available to supplement the math curriculum. The problem is that most math educators do not know that they are there. Your wiki assignment is to find video on the web that could supplement a math curriculum. Include a hyperlink to the video (or embed it in the wiki). List the objective that is taught through the video, and your suggestions how it may be used. Optionally, if you find classrooms that are effectively using video as a mechanism to reinforce math concepts, share that information. Participants: charbeck1, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada; JSGeometry Decatur, AL
Wiki #3 - Languages
Tandem Learning in Language InstructionWhat is tandem learning? What are ways it can be used in the high school language classroom through the use of technology? (Include hyperlinks, resources, and examples.) Participants: MrsEngra Camilla,Ga.- Spanish; langwitches, Jacksonville, FL - Spanish
Wiki #4 - Literature
Self Publishing for TeachersEvery student loves an audience, but many classrooms are not allowed to blog or wiki. Self-publishing is an emerging option for some teachers to consider. What are some self-publishing resources that are easy for teachers to use and instructions for their use? Can you find any examples of schools or teachers already doing this? What ideas do you have for their use? Participants: catenglish Camilla, GA; nancyscofield, Colorado City, CO; texasschoolmarm, Camp Wood, TX
Wiki #5 - Literature
Tandem Learning in Language ArtsWhat is tandem learning? How can tandem learning be used with student writing? Propose a tandem learning structure for the posting and evaluation of essays using Internet-enabled technology. (Include the structure for the student posting the essay, the student evaluating the essay,and the teacher(s).) Participants: readerdiane; crisp, Nicholasville, Kentucky
Wiki #6 - Science (Need one more participant.)
Simulated Laboratory Resources for K-12 scienceComputer laboratories are starting to replace the hands-on labs used in some advanced science courses. Look up some articles on the debate. It is difficult for teachers to determine which experiment should be done in the simulated laboratories and which should be done in an actual lab. Find some experiments. Include a hyperlink to the experiment, the hypotheses that is being tested, and your opinion about whether it would be better to do in a real environment or the simulated one. Participants: wbosworth, Greendale, WI USA
Because there is only one person signed up under Science, this participant may either: recruit other people, post alone, or join another assignment of your choice.
Wiki #7 - Social Studies
[[Code of Ethics for Teaching Citizen Journalists|]]Citizen Journalism Code of EthicsWhat is grassroots journalism (a/k/a citizen journalism) and what are examples of how it has affected recent news? Include examples. Propose a code of ethics for citizen journalists that could be shared in a high school or middle school classroom. Participants: julielindsay - Bangladesh; reuw - Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Israel; mrehberg - Jackson, MI
Wiki #8 - Technology
Disruptive Technology in the ClassroomWhat is disruptive technology? Why is it called that? Create a list of disruptive technology, explain why it is considered disruptive and try to find one example of each technology being used to teach in an effective manner. Participants: qdsouza - Toronto, Canada; CLykowski - Lambertville, Michigan; jgates513, Summerdale PA.; aquiram - Yuma, AZ
Wiki #9 - Technology
Tagging to help TeachersA wealth of curricula are being uploaded to youTube, Google Video, blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc. Some of things are being “tagged” appropriately and some are not. (See also folksonomy.) What is tagging? How can teachers use “tagging” to catalog their work? What would be the benefits of tagging standards? Create a proposed standard procedure that can be given to teachers to help them determine how to “tag” their digital work that is uploaded to the Internet so that it can be found and used appropriately. Participants: reuw - Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Israel, rmom - Unionville, PA, jfriesen - Austin, TX, eweinb04
Wiki #10 - Technology
Student Data Storage- Needs and MethodsStudents are increasingly required to produce and accumulate digital work. It is often stored in computer labs and purged at the end of the year. What is student data storage? Is it needed? You are to create a proposed methodology for student data storage that would be accessible to students after high school and also protects student privacy, rights and is fair (length of time it is available.) Participants: bookbird, Aliquippa, PA; maloneGE -VA; susanvg; cm_scholz - Cairo, Egypt
Note from Vicki: I almost took this one off, but when I showed my students the five questions I had drafted, they voted this one on. They said that this is their single biggest frustration and worry. Some students at other schools have created whole video productions that were "lost" over the summer. Students feel that they have a right to theri digital work and it often harms them when they cannot secure copies of their resume, etc. If our job as educators is to help students, this is an essential issue that should be discussed. I hope the participants will be excited about this assignment because my students said and I quote, "Teachers need to talk about protecting student digital work, it can be there to educate our grandchildren!"
Wiki #11 - Elementary Ed
Elementary School Internet Safety Code of ConductOne of the risks of bringing elementary students online is that of internet safety and privacy. Propose an internet safety code of conduct for elementary teachers. (include hyperlinks.) Optionally, you may include a list of reasons that elementary students participate in online activites. (You may include examples of worthwhile projects. This should include hyperlinks.) Participants: mjantzi Gifted Ed.Teacher (Gds. K-5) in Virginia; Brune (Gordon Brune), 5th Grade Teacher, Mamaroneck, NY; mrdarylpearson - Saskatchewan, Canada; coffey - Virginia
Is it too late to sign up?
(You may request to join projects in progress through Friday 10/27. Limit 5 per project.)
A - Get an account with wikispaces
B - Request to join this space
(Tell me your name, your school, your location, the age you teach, and a little about yourself and the PROJECT YOU WISH TO JOIN in the comments. I will do my best to accommodate everyone, but may not be able to.)
C- I will add your name to the project that you are assigned here on this home page.
D- Go to the home page of this wiki -
Click the Notify me tab and sign up for either e-mail updates or updates via RSS.
(This will tell you when we've entered the next phase of the project. Just make sure to check your e-mail/ RSS reader on Wednesday to see your instructions for editing. Or just come back here.)
Guidelines to Get Started
Here are the recommended steps.
1- The hyperlink above is the page that has been created to wiki this topic. (Click on the page to go there and begin editing.)
2 - First you should divide up the question into major headings. Type them in the wiki. Leave space in between for the text.
3 - Start by defining the topic. You may want to search on wikipedia or Google. Read information, go back to your wiki page, click edit, and summarize the information. Include a hyperlink to the source of your information.
4 - Repeat #3 until you have a good definition.
5 - Read what you have on the wiki and ask yourself, "What do I still not understand?" Go to the Internet and answer that question. Come back and post.
6 - Remember to subscribe to your page on the Notify Me tab so you know when your partner(s) posts!
How long should I spend?
We are recommending 10 minutes on one day, then, walk away and let your partner post. Then, add 10 minutes the next day.
Judges will be e-mailed a list of projects which have postings on Sunday morning at 9 am EST. You should complete your postings to the wiki by then, although you are encouraged to update your wiki project any time you have additional information.
What if I don't know anything about the topic?
The topics were selected are emerging, new topics. The purpose of this project is to show you how wikis create experts on a topic within a very short period of time. You will find that your research on the Internet causes you to form an opinion and add it to your current knowledge base. Remember, Wikis are not word processors. Go out to the Internet, grab a "nugget" and come back and post and save.
Project Notes
- All project instructions will be posted to the home page of this website.
- For complete project instructions, visit the project page.
- If you want to "play" on the wiki, go to the sandbox. Remember that people who post innappropriate information will be removed from the space!