Semantic Aware Apps Rising
Came across this cool service to analyze your blogging style called Typealyzer from the ETLMS Blog from Oakland Schools. (nice blogging going on over there, by the way.)
So, here is what it said I am.
It was heavy on the Thinking/ logic/ mathematics and also on the sensing - order/ habits/ details. I'm between a thinking, practical, and feeler with a little bit of intuition.
Despite what many think, this says I'm NOT an idealist! ;-) Think that is sort of funny because being an idealist is something I might actually be. ;-)
So, although I do agree with much of what this says about me, it ran really really quickly and I don't know the algorithms. I do, however, find fascinating how these sorts of tools can be used. What we are seeing is an attempt to analyze people to see what kind of person they ARE, yes, the move into the semantic web.
Interestingly, my good friend Karyn Romeis from the UK is a Mechanic, but her brain chart looks like this:
so, there is definitely an algorithm driving it. Cheryl Oakes, another dear friend is also a "Mechanic" but her chart looks like this:
David Warlick
He is also a "mechanic" like me (see above) but his brain pattern is slightly differentwith a little more into the idealist, and feeling.
Other bloggers: Cathy Nelson Jo McLeay
So in some ways, this analysis is adding some intelligence to it - what are people LIKE. So, I thought I'd typealyze some of the edubloggers that I know and see what it says about them.
Stephen Downes
His brain patterns?
You know, in some ways this analysis makes sense because I know for me, often I read Stephen's blog and it requires quite a bit of cogitation to pour over and understand what he says -- that is why I'm an avid reader. He makes me think and he teaches me. I think the service he does to the edublogosphere is a very good one. But remember, no two bloggers agree all the time - even husbands and wives argue. ;-)
Other Thinkers: Doug Johnson
Sue Waters
The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:
Other Duty Fulfillers: Kathy Schrock Krysten Hokanson Silvia Tolisano Claudia Ceraso Lisa Durff Anne Davis Ewan McIntosh
Will Richardson
Typealyzer says the following about him:
So, Will is very good at looking at the long range. These seem to also reflect him as well. Again, not so sure about the shortcomings but then again, I don't know him as well as others.
Interestingly, I know another Scientist VERY VERY Well!
Julie Lindsay
Julie and I have co-collaborated and planned 13 projects, linked around 2,000 students from more than 20 countries and included at least 500 educators in these projects, so I know her pretty well. She is a scientist, just like Will and also one of my best friends in the whole wide world and she's a genius. Working with her is one of the greatest joys of my life!
And yes, I think because we're different we compliment each other very well. I'm under the hood tinkering, she's developing rubrics to knock your socks off.
Her brain when she blogs?
Other Scientists: Beth Kanter Graham Wegner Kim Cofino Doug Belshaw Louis Maine
Bob Sprankle
Other Performers: Peggy Sheehy
Beth Ritter-Guth
I could see that - this is precisely why so many of us trust Beth to lead us into virtual worlds.
Linda Criddle
This is a friend of mine who has great things to day about protecting kids. A protector, right? No, Linda is a:
Here is her brain when she blogs:
Alice Barr
Just the name of her blog, "The View From My Window" gives insight into what Alice is:
And so, it could go on.
What is the point?
Deriving Meaning from the Web
Well, some of you sincerely DON'T LIKE the categorization and pigeonholing such trend analysis gives you. (And I'm sure you'll tell me.) You don't like the fact that this analyzes words and supposedly creates some sort of picture of who you are.
Transparency - the Nagging question is HOW! How are these meanings derived?
The fact is that the semantic web will somehow do JUST WHAT WE'RE seeing here -- use your words or use other things to categorize and share who and what we are.
In the Horizon Report 2009, they state that there are two probable ways for the semantic web to evolve:
So, the most likely is that natural language based apps, like the typealyzer seems to be, will be what will happen. Additionally, at some point, they'll be able to analyze photos as well.
So, travel with me in space and time if you will.
At some point, there will be apps that will spider everything about a person and be able to tell us:
I have to agree with Don Tapscott in his introduction to Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World HC
(p 7) where he says:
In many ways things are "private" because of the sheer volume of "stuff" out there. Nothing is intelligent enough except the most sick stalker or vigilant researcher to ferrett a person's true behavior and goings on. But soon, with semantic aware apps, it will become all too easy.
WE will be able to derive patterns and come up with conclusions without even reviewing or seeing someone's page.
So, if you DON'T like the analysis above. If you don't like the fact that it is not transparent how they did it. Then, take it into your mind to truly understand what semantic aware apps mean to both students and you.
Everything you do: your word choice, the meaning, the pictures you use paints a picture of YOU.
See the writing on the web and decide what you want your writing to be.
Technorati Tags: Typealyzer semantic web Karyn Romeis Cheryl Oakes David Warlick Cathy Nelson Jo McLeay Stephen Downes Doug Johnson Kathy Schrock Krysten Hokanson Silvia Tolisano Claudia Ceraso Lisa Durff Anne Davis Ewan McIntosh Sue Waters Will Richardson Julie Lindsay Beth Kanter Graham Wegner Kim Cofino Doug Belshaw Louis Maine Bob Sprankle Peggy Sheehy Beth Ritter-Guth Linda Criddle Alice Barr Don Tapscott Horizon Report 2009 semantic aware apps semantic web
So, here is what it said I am.
But the chart I found particularly fascinating was the one that showed the brain patterns used when writing here.ISTP - The Mechanics
The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts.![]()
The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.
It was heavy on the Thinking/ logic/ mathematics and also on the sensing - order/ habits/ details. I'm between a thinking, practical, and feeler with a little bit of intuition.
Despite what many think, this says I'm NOT an idealist! ;-) Think that is sort of funny because being an idealist is something I might actually be. ;-)
So, although I do agree with much of what this says about me, it ran really really quickly and I don't know the algorithms. I do, however, find fascinating how these sorts of tools can be used. What we are seeing is an attempt to analyze people to see what kind of person they ARE, yes, the move into the semantic web.
Interestingly, my good friend Karyn Romeis from the UK is a Mechanic, but her brain chart looks like this:
so, there is definitely an algorithm driving it. Cheryl Oakes, another dear friend is also a "Mechanic" but her chart looks like this:
David Warlick
He is also a "mechanic" like me (see above) but his brain pattern is slightly differentwith a little more into the idealist, and feeling.
Other bloggers: Cathy Nelson Jo McLeay
So in some ways, this analysis is adding some intelligence to it - what are people LIKE. So, I thought I'd typealyze some of the edubloggers that I know and see what it says about them.
Stephen Downes
INTP - The Thinkers
The logical and analytical type. They are especially attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle connections between things and imagine far-reaching implications.![]()
They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about.
His brain patterns?
You know, in some ways this analysis makes sense because I know for me, often I read Stephen's blog and it requires quite a bit of cogitation to pour over and understand what he says -- that is why I'm an avid reader. He makes me think and he teaches me. I think the service he does to the edublogosphere is a very good one. But remember, no two bloggers agree all the time - even husbands and wives argue. ;-)
Other Thinkers: Doug Johnson
Sue Waters
The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:
ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
The responsible and hardworking type. They are especially attuned to the details of life and are careful about getting the facts right. Conservative by nature they are often reluctant to take any risks whatsoever.![]()
The Duty Fulfillers are happy to be let alone and to be able to work int heir own pace. They know what they have to do and how to do it.
Other Duty Fulfillers: Kathy Schrock Krysten Hokanson Silvia Tolisano Claudia Ceraso Lisa Durff Anne Davis Ewan McIntosh
Will Richardson
Typealyzer says the following about him:
INTJ - The Scientists
The long-range thinking and individualistic type. They are especially good at looking at almost anything and figuring out a way of improving it - often with a highly creative and imaginative touch. They are intellectually curious and daring, but might be physically hesitant to try new things.![]()
The Scientists enjoy theoretical work that allows them to use their strong minds and bold creativity. Since they tend to be so abstract and theoretical in their communication they often have a problem communicating their visions to other people and need to learn patience and use concrete examples. Since they are extremely good at concentrating they often have no trouble working alone.
So, Will is very good at looking at the long range. These seem to also reflect him as well. Again, not so sure about the shortcomings but then again, I don't know him as well as others.
Interestingly, I know another Scientist VERY VERY Well!
Julie Lindsay
Julie and I have co-collaborated and planned 13 projects, linked around 2,000 students from more than 20 countries and included at least 500 educators in these projects, so I know her pretty well. She is a scientist, just like Will and also one of my best friends in the whole wide world and she's a genius. Working with her is one of the greatest joys of my life!
And yes, I think because we're different we compliment each other very well. I'm under the hood tinkering, she's developing rubrics to knock your socks off.
Her brain when she blogs?
Other Scientists: Beth Kanter Graham Wegner Kim Cofino Doug Belshaw Louis Maine
Bob Sprankle
ESFP - The Performers
The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.![]()
The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.
Other Performers: Peggy Sheehy
Beth Ritter-Guth
INFJ - The Protectors
The thoughtfully creative and empathetic type. They are especially attuned to thinking up new and better ways of helping people get their needs met. They can be fiercely independent and can work tirelessly to achieve their goals. They often need a friendly reminder not to take themselves too seriously and enjoy the process as well as the achievement.![]()
They like working in an environment where they can set goals and help people grow. Since they often are so good listeners and have strong integrity they often end up very appreciated leaders.
I could see that - this is precisely why so many of us trust Beth to lead us into virtual worlds.
Linda Criddle
This is a friend of mine who has great things to day about protecting kids. A protector, right? No, Linda is a:
ESTP - The Doers
The active and playful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities.![]()
The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.
Here is her brain when she blogs:
Alice Barr
Just the name of her blog, "The View From My Window" gives insight into what Alice is:
ISFP - The Artists
The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of.![]()
They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living.
And so, it could go on.
What is the point?
Deriving Meaning from the Web
Well, some of you sincerely DON'T LIKE the categorization and pigeonholing such trend analysis gives you. (And I'm sure you'll tell me.) You don't like the fact that this analyzes words and supposedly creates some sort of picture of who you are.
Transparency - the Nagging question is HOW! How are these meanings derived?
The fact is that the semantic web will somehow do JUST WHAT WE'RE seeing here -- use your words or use other things to categorize and share who and what we are.
In the Horizon Report 2009, they state that there are two probable ways for the semantic web to evolve:
"There are currently two theoretical approaches to developing the semantic capacity of the web. One, the bottom-up approach, is problematic in that it assumes metadata will be added to each piece of content to include information about its context; tagging at the concept level, if you will. The top-down approach appears to have a far greater likelihood of success, as it focuses on developing natural language search capability that can make those same kinds of determinations without any special metadata."
So, the most likely is that natural language based apps, like the typealyzer seems to be, will be what will happen. Additionally, at some point, they'll be able to analyze photos as well.
So, travel with me in space and time if you will.
At some point, there will be apps that will spider everything about a person and be able to tell us:
- Is this student a good "fit" for your school?
- How likely is it, depending upon the language that the student uses that this student uses drugs or participates in at risk behaviors?
- Would this student be a good fit for our company?
- Is this teacher a good fit for our school?
- Does this person who teaches literature and English have good grammer skills him/herself?
I have to agree with Don Tapscott in his introduction to Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World HC
"Net Geners are making a serious mistake, and most of them don't realize it. They're giving away their personal information on social networks and elsewhere and in doing so are undermining their future privacy. They tell me they don't care; it is all about sharing. But here I must speak with the voice of experience. Some day that party picture is going to bite them when they seek a senior corporate job or public office. I think that they should wake up, now, and become aware to the extent that they are sharing parts of themselves that one day they may wish they had kept private."
In many ways things are "private" because of the sheer volume of "stuff" out there. Nothing is intelligent enough except the most sick stalker or vigilant researcher to ferrett a person's true behavior and goings on. But soon, with semantic aware apps, it will become all too easy.
WE will be able to derive patterns and come up with conclusions without even reviewing or seeing someone's page.
So, if you DON'T like the analysis above. If you don't like the fact that it is not transparent how they did it. Then, take it into your mind to truly understand what semantic aware apps mean to both students and you.
Everything you do: your word choice, the meaning, the pictures you use paints a picture of YOU.
See the writing on the web and decide what you want your writing to be.
Technorati Tags: Typealyzer semantic web Karyn Romeis Cheryl Oakes David Warlick Cathy Nelson Jo McLeay Stephen Downes Doug Johnson Kathy Schrock Krysten Hokanson Silvia Tolisano Claudia Ceraso Lisa Durff Anne Davis Ewan McIntosh Sue Waters Will Richardson Julie Lindsay Beth Kanter Graham Wegner Kim Cofino Doug Belshaw Louis Maine Bob Sprankle Peggy Sheehy Beth Ritter-Guth Linda Criddle Alice Barr Don Tapscott Horizon Report 2009 semantic aware apps semantic web