What is the story of your total classroom makeover?

Getting ready for the amazing North Carolina (NCTIES) Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina next Thursday and CUE in Palm Springs, California on Friday!

You know that so much of what is happening is not embodied in any one teacher but in all of us!  It is important to share the stories because this is what motivates teachers of all walks of life to realize that, YES, they CAN change and improve.  They can have the attention of their students again.  The students CAN love to come to school and clamor to get in their class.  It can and is being done.

So, I'm on the hunt for stories.

If you've never commented on a blog, now's your chance, consider this a virtual tap on the shoulder.

So, my question to you is,

What is your story?  How have you made over your classroom using technology and what are the impacts you've seen?

Please post your story or a link to your video, your words, or anything you have to share that should be told to teachers.  Some of these WILL be used at either NCTIES or CUE next week.

Thank you for the great things you've done for me and my life.  Truly, blogging has blessed me in so many ways but it is because of being  a PART Of something bigger than myself.  No one teacher can embody or represent ALL other teachers, but as each of us get the opportunity to share our story, we can take along, like a portfolio, the great stories of other teachers too!

So, please share!  And if you share, if you are able to share your school, grade level, subject area(s),  and location in the world, that would be great also!  This blog post and your answers WILL become part of the presentations next week.  Thank you!

(Oh, and NCTIES teachers, consider taking the video challenge too!  You may see yourself on the big screen at the Thursday keynote!)

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