Be a Person Who Will Ennoble Humanity

"If there was sadness, it was for the passing of an age where one man, in himself, could fire the free world to do battle for its own greatness, and if there were tears, they were shed in watching the mists of death cover the mirror of a personality where men have seen themselves ennobled."

These words were uttered at Sir Winston Churchill's funeral. In fact Churchill once said, "words are the only thing that last forever."

This man with his eccentricities, egocentric-ness, and oddities had a unique talent for speech and was able to craft the words that were known to move soldiers on the front lines to have hope when they felt they could not go on.

Words are important.  Right now I find myself in dire need of words.  This is one of the toughest months financially that my husband and I have ever had.  I'm spending a huge amount of time kicking off these projects and we have one child in high school, one in middle, and one in elementary.I'm fighting a slowing metabolism and began running nine weeks a go. Life itself is a battle.  So, as I ponder these things, I wrote this:

Word Reflections

If I should only talk of technology
and not tell you that you as an educator or parent have the most noble calling on earth
my blog is a waste.

If I should only tweet of my own life
and never tweeter a word or phrase that makes you laugh or makes you feel that you can go on
my twitter stream is a waste.

Should the streams of words that flow forth from my life
ignore the necessity we have to link human beings in ways that promote understanding and love of others
then those streams should be dammed and cease to flow.

For indeed the streams of my life, if they should flow well
will serve as a tide pool of refreshment for the weary who needs encouragement to go ahead
and my words will live past me so that weary strangers in future times
will stop to find a glimpse of themselves and the greater person they can be
in the reflection of my soul past upon their present visage.


Weigh your words, my friends
for those are the things that last.

So, let me ask you this question and issue you a challenge.
Have you said anything to encourage a person today?

I challenge you to make sure that you ALWAYS share an inspirational thought with others in EVERY presentation, EVERY day on Twitter, EVERY week on your blog and in EVERY class you teach.  We live in a society thirsty for words of encouragement and starving in a famine of negative words.  Take the time to do your part to encourage others.

For truly, when you reach out to encourage others, you encourage yourself.

For as I have written this and I began with a heavy, hurting heart - I find myself strangely buoyed and ready to face another day.

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