Help Sandy Help New Jersey Students

This from New Jersey in my email:

"The State of New Jersey recently adopted 21st century standards which require the use of technology throughout the classroom learning experiences. We are currently producing Classroom Application documents to illustrate possible ways teachers can engage their students and increase academic achievement in a PBL learner-centered environment.

As part of the modeling process and to gather  multi-cultural approaches, I have created a Wiki at
The Wiki has embedded and attached tables. The attached tables are so professionals can download them if that is easier and the embedded tables are so everyone can enter their contributions on a common document. (unfortunately, some of the tables did not retain their spacing but others did.)  As usual, timelines are tight so I have listed deadlines at the top of the attached documents on each page as deadlines vary
I would appreciate it if you would give me feedback and if you could let others know so that it will truly be a global collaboration.

Sandy O’Neil

I applaud Sandy for emailing and reaching out to others and just ask each of you to take a moment to click through to her wiki and add a piece of information.  It is great to see movement towards global collaboration and PBL. Good luck, Sandy!

I do wish somehow we could have once and for all one place to do this, however, it seems that we're stuck with regional standards at least for a while.