Justification to Bring Back the Music: It Increases IQ Scores
This from @jshe and @WeAreTeachers on Twitter:
They linked to a UK study by Janice on the Music Teacher's Blog that had the following findings from Professor Susan Halem, University of London's research:
Bring back the music.
Of course, there is always the question of correlation or causation, however, this research certainly requires a closer look.
education teaching music test scores learning news innovation school improvement extra curricular drama
They linked to a UK study by Janice on the Music Teacher's Blog that had the following findings from Professor Susan Halem, University of London's research:
- "Students who learned music over time, increased their general IQ by 7 points, while drama subjects only increased their IQ by 4.3points.
- Playing an instrument improves general behaviour because it requires a students to trust, respect and compromise with others
- Learning a musical instrument improves behavior, memory and intelligence
- Musically trained students retain up to a fifth more information"
Bring back the music.
Of course, there is always the question of correlation or causation, however, this research certainly requires a closer look.
education teaching music test scores learning news innovation school improvement extra curricular drama