Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/04/2012
Leverage Social Media's Potential - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com
Eric Sheninger tackles social media in schools. Way to go Eric.
The Frontier of Classroom Technology - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com
The New York Times is running a piece on the Frontier of Classroom technology. (I wanted to write on some of the other topics but they asked me to tackle adaptive learning, so that is what they got.) Ann Leanness, Will Richardson and others. Feel free to share your opinions.
Embrace Adaptive Testing - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com
I have to admit that it was very hard to put into a few short words my thoughts on adaptive learning. I didn't really intend for it to center on the testing piece but I guess that is what the editors thought hadn't already been covered, although I do agree with everything I said on it. Of course, many will say we need much more than testing but I think the big point is that pencil and paper don't cut it. We are wasting time with how we test now and can be much more targeted in terms of what students know and how we can teach. Your thoughts?
The biggest thing that bothers me about all these apps is that we have no learning analytics - no feedback loop at all to parents or teachers. I literally have to watch my son play his ipad learning games to really understand where he is and what I need to do to fill things in.