Teach This! Teaching with lesson plans and ideas that rock #teaching 01/24/2012

  • Four great sites to find vintage photographs. For presentations, activities, and authentic learning. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

    tags: teaching photographs lesson plans

  • A contest that you'll want to consider entering with your students.

    Dear Lori,

    Distracted driving—from texting behind the wheel to turning around to chat with friends in the backseat—can lead to deadly consequences, particularly for teens. Now your students can save lives and change attitudes by entering our Drive2Life Contest.

    Challenge your students in grades 6–12 to create an exciting, innovative storyboard or script for a memorable Public Service Announcement that educates others about distracted driving. The grand–prize winner receives $1,000 and will embark on a trip to New York City, where a professional film crew will transform the student’s vision into a 30–second commercial! Four runners–up each will receive $500.

    On our Drive2Life site, you’ll also find lifesaving and skill-building resources tied to National Standards, including:

    A distracted driving checklist/poll
    Role-playing and discussion activities
    A reproducible worksheet for creating a compelling storyboard"

    tags: education teaching lessonplans contest lessonplan distracted driving cellphone safety.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.