Minds of Peace: Can "Average" People Do What Politicians Cannot?
My only disappointment from MACUL is that I didn't get to meet someone I admire very much, Dr. Jeff Stanzler, from the University of Michigan. I just received an email from him about a very special event that relates to the wonderful Arab-Israeli Conflict Simulation that my student and I just love!
"I wanted to let you know of an event that the ICS group is co-sponsoring on campus that may be of interest to you. The attached flyer describes the "Minds of Peace" project, a collaborative venture of an Israeli (Sapir Handelman) and a Palestinian (Mazen Badra). The idea animating their project is that it may be too dangerous for Israelis and Palestinians to wait for political leaders to solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and that the effort may need to start from the ground up. To that end, over the last several months, they've convened several negotiations (in Israel, the West Bank, and the US) wherein five ordinary Israelis (or Israeli-Americans) sit across the negotiating table from five ordinary Palestinians/
Palestinian-Americans and, over the course of an intense two day negotiation, try to work towards peace by way of (hopefully) understanding a bit more about one another. I mention all of this because the next negotiation will take place in Ann Arbor this Thursday and Friday. With an eye towards the AIC participants, we will also be streaming the negotiations live, and I want to cordially invite you and your students to tune in and even to participate.On the attached flyer you'll see the times for the five negotiating sessions that will take place on Thursday and Friday. I hope on Monday to be able to send you the URL for the webcast AND the e-mail address to which your students can send questions for the participants and/or the hosts. After each of the five sessions, the audience (whether onsite or online) gets a chance to ask questions, and you and your students are welcome to participate.More soon...Jeff
Minds of Peace website: http://www.mindsofpeace.org/ "
This is the flyer.
Applause to my dear friend and to those who are even considering "flattening" the peace situation in the Middle East.
Related Posts: Preparing for the Arab Israeli Conflict Simulation