Morning Has Broken: Or Has It?
5:01 am Wake Up
Jumped out of bed to go meet with Julie Lindsay in Elluminate about the Flat Classroom Conference, upcoming projects, and our book project just to be met with the biggest Palmetto bug I've ever seen in my house.
The only way for me to kill a bug is to make myself lose my temper at them --
I grabbed a spiked heel and with a muffled banshee-like yelp went after the thing - hitting my own thumb in the process. I woke up Kip who was not too happy since I had to fling open the bathroom door when it tried to get away from me underneath the crack of the door. Oh, dear.
5:16 am Meet Up
I jumped in Elluminate to meet with Julie who was hit by a bit of a traffic delay for our thirty minute meeting. We were doing so well - I looked up and it was 6:15 - I had gone over by thirty minutes!!!
6:16 am Cook Up
I had to make a whole pile of brownies and cupcakes for working the JV Game football tonight (followed by a varsity game) and so started cooking and slinging batter all over the room (and myself!)
Got out the mixer which had blown a gear and it sounded like one of those dentist drills in your head while you're getting a filling filled - except this was off the decibel rating chart.
It was really kind of funny. My son, came in, moved his clothes from the washer to the dryer as I mixed with brownie batter on my eyebrows and just looked and me and walked out -- afraid to ask.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Kip just standing there looking at me. Kip is an engineer. If there is a strange noise in the house - he wants to know what is making it and why. I turned it off and said:
"Hear this! Hear this thing -- this doggone mixer just represents my morning."
Kip quietly backs out of the room. I'm thinking to myself -
"one day, I'll laugh at this, but not yet."
7:18 am Hurry Up
Onward we go. Gotta be at school before 7:30 so my varsity cheerleader can sell game faces but my varsity football player can't find a vital part of his uniform. Running around -- getting things together.
7:30 am Pulling Up
I pulled up to the school at 7:30 and threw out my children.(Well, not literally, but you get the idea.)
7:35 am Booting Up
My RACK server is down AGAIN. Running around trying to figure out why this doggone thing keeps crashing. Everyone keeps telling me as I run through the school "Hey, did you know the server is down?"
8:05 am Look Up
So, I walk in the teacher's lounge to sit for one moment, and my friend, Azalee, a math teacher here, goes to her box and makes a comment:
"You know what, I clean out my box every day but there's always something new in it no matter what I do. One day I'm going to go to that box and wish it was full."
She spoke to me like a lightning bolt hitting a golfer in the club during a rain storm.
So what if I have a bruised thumb, brownie batter still in my eyebrows, server dust on my knees, and a few more grey hairs? My life is full... very full.
One day, I'm going to long for these days again, I might as well laugh.
Laugh It Up
So, I'm thinking back just before running to this ballgame and laughing at my morning. It was preposterous -- totally. Ludicrous and totally unbelievably hilarious.
I shall breathe in the aroma of a crazy, fun, exciting life full of hormonal teenagers, a full-tilt elementary child, big book projects and amazing friends from around the world as well as a blog where I get to talk to a growing audience of educators who somehow, I think, are a lot like me and half crazy through it all.
I think of Kip looking at me with that heinous-sounding mixer and batter everywhere! I am laughing and cannot stop.
Think About It
My challenge to you is this:
- Can you laugh?
- What crazy, hectic part of your life will you miss one day?
- What funny memories can you write down when it is time?