Innovative Teachers-Share Your Genius by Eric Williams, Superintendent
This guest post was
written by Eric Williams, Superintendent of the York County School Division in
Virginia. Eric tweets as @ewilliams65 and blogs at (Note from Vicki: My dear friend Angela Maiers came running over to me at Microsoft's Partners in Learning teacher forum and said, 'You've got to meet Eric, he's something special. I agree.)
The world needs your unique talents and insights for
engaging students in work that matters. Understanding and acting on this truth,
as championed by Angela
Maiers, can change the world.
You are a teacher who understands the importance of giving
students opportunities to make a difference locally, nationally, or globally.
The teachers at Microsoft’s recent Partners
in Learning Forum in the United States (#PILUS) understand too. (See a list of all winners.) I had the
pleasure of judging at this event. Here are two examples of #PILUS teachers and
the projects they presented:
- Greg Witkin’s students
create media presentations which serve as vehicles of social change.
- Julie Hembree’s 4th
grade students created book
trailers regarding favorite books to persuade their peers which books
to read. Peers accessed their videos via SchoolTube and QR codes affixed
to books in the School Library.
Many innovative teachers, observed Alan November at #PILUS,
prefer to focus on innovation rather than on promoting innovative instructional
practices. Innovative teachers, let’s break this stereotype!
You have unique talents and insights for engaging students
in work that matters. Some teachers almost instinctively identify the big ideas
and important skills of their curriculum and design projects that allow
students to master these concepts and skills. Other teachers brilliantly
support students’ leveraging of technology to connect with a global audience
for the students’ work. Still other teachers wow us with their ability to coach
students’ collaboration with peers and adults. As Angela Maiers emphasizes,
claim your genius by acknowledging your genius.
Share your genius!
The system, comprised of schools, school
districts, state governments, federal governments, and other entities, needs
vast improvements in terms of opportunities for teachers to share their genius.
Even as I work to improve these opportunities within my district, I encourage
you not to wait for the system to improve its capacity for genius sharing. Take
advantage of the opportunities that already exist to share your genius.
Share your genius within your school and encourage your
colleagues to do the same. Share at a department meeting, grade level team
meeting, or faculty meeting. Share examples of student work. Tell the story of
your design of the learning in your class. Provide rubrics and other resources.
Share your genius outside your school. Present at a
conference. Employ digital tools to amplify your impact. Tell your story via
Twitter, a blog, or YouTube. If you have not actively used any of these tools,
stick your toe in the social media water by learning just one tool.
Use whatever opportunities exist. You may not have
opportunities to attend conferences or to formally present within your school
or district. Perhaps you are hesitant to wade into the social media pool.
Recognize that while the twittersphere and blogosphere are social spaces where
people interact, the hallways, teacher lounges, and classrooms of our schools
are also social spaces. Raise awareness of innovation by sharing student work
with a colleague and sincerely soliciting advice regarding improving the
student work.
Carve out new spaces for you and your colleagues to share
their expertise with one another. Recruit other teacher-leaders in your school
or district to organize sharing opportunities to supplement or replace
presenters from outside your district.

Connect with other teacher-leaders via #DotDay and
Tens of thousands of educators participate each year in International Dot Day, which
is inspired by the award-winning children’s book The Dot, written by Peter Reynolds. In The Dot, a teacher inspires her student to leave her mark on the
world. This year, as a follow-up to Dot Day, teachers and students will connect
their dots by collaborating to do work that makes a difference locally,
nationally, and globally.
Choose2Matter, a hashtag created by Angela Maiers,
reflects the notion of using one’s genius to change the world. The world needs
your genius so Choose2Matter. Others will benefit from your genius and you will
be enriched by the connections as well!