Battle for the Eyes
The battle for the eyes is getting heated. If you'll read Context is King: How Videos Are Found and Consumed Online, some very telling trends are unveiled that make advertisers very uncomfortable. The article says:
So, how are these ads going to be served up? Cell phones, social media.
Other interesting stats. Here are the averages of a youtube video:
This also means that advertisers could potentially partner with and support valid educational programs to reach the eyes of the students they covet. It seems like there can be some win-win scenarios here for both, however, the whole thought makes me very nervous.
"According to a recent NY Timesarticle, in the 1952-53 season, more than 30% of American households watched NBC
during prime time, according to Nielsen. In fact, up until twenty years ago, you could buy a 30-second spot on CBS, NBC or ABC and reach “everyone.” Today, NBC’s prime time reach is 5%. Sure, NBC is lagging CBS and ABC, but neither the Tiffany network nor Disney’s counterpart is faring much better. The secret’s out: fewer people watch TV and teenagers spend every waking minute connected
to the Internet, increasingly through the mobile web."
So, how are these ads going to be served up? Cell phones, social media.
Other interesting stats. Here are the averages of a youtube video:
- "It will garner 500 views over time
- 25% of those views will come in the first four days and
- by and large, only the first 30 to 60 seconds will be watched."
This also means that advertisers could potentially partner with and support valid educational programs to reach the eyes of the students they covet. It seems like there can be some win-win scenarios here for both, however, the whole thought makes me very nervous.