Just gotta ask @KathySierra to consider blogging again #blog4mekathy

I still return to Kathy's blog to glean some insight, look at the charts, and find inspiration and yet, I have to ask Kathy to please consider returning to blogging.
Kathy, I'd like to give you some reasons to consider returning to blogging:
1- You inspire many of us.
I have been running since July and just broke 30 minutes for my 5k. Your avid love of running always impressed me and I wanted to be like that. More than this - you were always just "real."
I know you've got more inspiration in there to share.
2 - Do not let wrong triumph over right
What happened to you was wrong. And perhaps by staying away you have made a statement about what being unkind online (and offline) can do. However, you can also make a powerful statement by returning to blogging. You make the statement to people who would do such things to other women bloggers that they cannot win by engaging in such abhorrent behavior.
Right now the statement is that if you gang up on a woman, she might leave... forever. That gives them what they want. Only you can make this statement.
3 - Help us Chart the Future
Oh my goodness, it was the in-your face funny charts that just got me every time. They were so on the money but so fitting - whether you were a teacher like me or a programmer somewhere trying to make software that others could use, your charts rock! We need new, clear, graphical insight of what is happening today. You make so much sense and are a voice of reason in a cloud of hyped up vaporware that often surrounds technology.
I see you commenting on the blogs and you're on Twitter, but I still go back and read your "old stuff."
Maybe I'm missing it and you're blogging somewhere else. Surely, in your hiatus, you have many things you want to say. Maybe you're afraid people will expect the "old Kathy" and for you to blog as much as Michelle Malkin, but I don't -- just a once a month - in your face, common sense blog post that touches everything from computer design to my passion. Just be you.
But I guess right now, I'm asking you to be.
Be a blogger, my friend.
Come back to us.
Anyone else want to ask her too?
And if you want to join in the request, send a tweet to @KathySierra and let's have a hashtag #blog4mekathy will do. Any other Kathy Sierra admirers who care to join in?
Let's at least let her know we've not forgotten.
Of course, others will cite blogging greats like Lawrence Lessig who have also had to stop blogging, however, to me, this is different as Kathy left as a direct result of cyberbullying. I hope she'll consider resurfacing at least for a post or two to make it clear that if she has left blogging permanently that it is not due to their actions.