Daily Spotlight on Education 02/23/2010
Read Beth Kanter's recommendations on traveling abroad and teaching internationally - great read!
International Online Conference 2010 » Program
From John Walber of the learning times in my inbox:
"I thought you might enjoy this thought-provoking interview featuring internationally-recognized speaker and facilitator Nancy White. In this 8-minute podcast, Nancy questions whether we should be setting up our learning programs as "communities" and discusses the pros and cons with LearningTimes GreenRoom hosts Susan Manning and Dan Balzer:"
My response was this:
"I will say that I'm not a big advocate of Professional learning communities - I prefer to call it Personal Learning network because I think that each person's network should be distinct and personalized. ;-)"
I think that being "prescriptive" or limiting about dictating a network just sort of doesn't fit. You can be part of a community but for me, several communities are part of my network.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.