Teach This! Teaching with lesson plans and ideas that rock #teaching 06/24/2012
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: How to (virtually) attend NECC 2006 (and make a difference)
When I couldn't go to ISTE in 2006 (It used to be called NECC) - this is what I did - I wrote a whole series of virtual posts that year and many people even thought I was there! Here is what I did back then to encourage those of you who are left at home.
Some lesson plans for Independence day. Teachers from other countries will want to get these lessons if they want to teach history and culture of the US.
Middle School: Physical Education: Games, sports teaching resources - Share My Lesson
Health teachers and coaches will find some interesting lesson plans for teaching their subjects. It is fascinating to see the types of things being downloaded relating to this topic including a "shot put teaching card", "orienteering and fitness activities" some gymnastics lessons and swimming skill cards. Health teachers will appreciate these lessons.
Win a Staples $500 gift card - HTML Content - SML
Right now you can upload and share lessons and win a $500 Staples gift card.
Here is information on Share my lesson - a place where I'm sharing lessons and connecting. All the lessons are free. This is created and co-sponsored by the AFT and TES (out of the UK) but any teacher (like me) can join and share. Disclaimer: I have been doing some work promoting TES resources for the past months - see my blog for full information.