This video gives me chills!

Simon's (from educating the dragon) video response over at Teacher Tube to my question "Why should we teach technology to students?" (from my Technology Fear factor video) gives me chills.

Thoughts on Teacher Tube

Teacher tube is really starting to get a lot of your contributions.

No limit
Here is the nice thing about it -- youtube has a 10 minute limit so I have 5-6 videos I couldn't upload there but had to use Google Video.

One place
From an ease of use perspective for collecting my own digital artifacts, the teacher tube allows all lengths and I really want to go to one place. (Of course the drawback is that it is not available and searchable for everyone like on youtube or google video.)

Not Blocked (yet)

Also, it seems like teacher tube is not blocked at many schools!

The Technology Fear Factor video has had 3064 views at Teacher Tube and 210 views on youtube!

We may need to use teacher tube just for these reasons.

(On a note: From listening to other bloggers, youtube has continually ignored our requests for an educational category so that we can set our filters that way.)

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