Sites that Caught My Eye Today 05/07/2008
Google TEacher Academy on June 25th -- find out more.
Google for Educators launches Geo Education today! Cool. It includes information on Google EArth, Maps, Sky, and Sketcup and lesson plans from teachers. It also includes tips on getting started with these tools in your classroom.
As you plan your summer PD, Geography teachers simply must get this on their list for fall!Little Brother » A word to teachers, librarians, and people who want to donate money to me
If you want a free copy of this book and are a teacher or librarian, follow the instructions on this page. Interesting idea.
This book is by Cory Doctorow about altnernate gaming and this is a novel that argues that hackers and gamers are the USA's "best hope for the future." Download the book for free here, or you can request the book for your school. I haven't read it yet -- have any of you?ED in '08 Blogger Summit -- Summit Poll
I've heard of like 4 of these blogs up for the best educational blog. Maybe I'm just as out of it as I feel.
Join thought leaders in education policy and national politics to discuss how the Internet is changing the discourse of education reform, and how those changes are affecting the 2008 presidential election. ED in '08 welcomes ed-bloggers and political bloggers to take part in the discussion.
I'm glad the "thought leaders" in American can come, however, the timing of this conference precludes most teachers I know from even considering coming we're all in the "home stretch" and rarely are we able to leave the classroom, especially this time of year.
I would hope that one day the edublogosphere would truly level us so that teachers would be included in these discussions. For, until that happens, I doubt we'll find any truly relevant change for the classroom.. just more buzzwords and "programs" that don't suit today's student.
Hint: If you want reform, ask some good teachers or at least include them in the discussion. There are some big picture thinkers out there that ARE teachers in the public classroom.