Daily Spotlight on Education 09/24/2008
Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008 - Day 2: The What And Why of Blogging
State of the blogosphere is a great read for those who want to understand it. I agree with a lot of these things. They are going to be releasing future portions of this report - we're only on day 2.
A Difference: How Flickr Threw a Switch In My Head
I love this post by Darren Kuropatwa who talks about the transformation many, including himself, experience from just taking a photograph a day of their own person and surroundings. I find this fascinating and the links are great. This is a very rich post and insight into the types of things that cause change.
To me, reflecting on my blog is sort of an internal snapshot of my thinking at the moment and has been fundamental to my own transformation. Sometimes when we observe ourselves from a distance, we are able to make changes right up under our nose.