Don't Be a Dead Sea
The Dead Sea takes in water but there is no outlet to the sea. Thus, it is salty, bitter, and generally just... dead.
People who are a dead sea are always taking, using up things and become bitter.
Dead Sea people never give anything to another person and never share.
There is no, "here let me show you," but only "let me take from you."
Dead Sea people suck the life out of others. They sit in classes, and professional development and never give back anything but bitterness.
Don't be a Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea is benign but still harmful -- I could see an ancient famished traveler running to the beautiful blue shores thirsting for a drink with a horrible mouth full of salty, bitter nastiness. No fish to cook, no water to drink. Just a deceptive body of water masquerading as an oasis that provides no sustenance for life.
What are you? A Live or Dead?
Are YOU getting Bitter or Getting Better?