Daily Spotlight on Education 08/14/2009
Twitter CEO’s wife tweets about labor, ongoing birth of first child | VentureBeat
So, I guess some people are OK with twittering their labor and delivery - however, as the Mom of a 9 lb pounder, 10 lb 3 oz, and 8 lb 12 oz babies - I didn't have time nor inclination to tweet these private moments. To each his own.
Spelling Software - SpellQuizzer. Spelling Software to learn spelling words and lists
OK, this breaking news from Spellquizzer 9software for helping with spelling:
"I'm currently offering SpellQuizzer free to any educator who contacts me at http://www.SpellQuizzer.com/Contact.htm so if you know of any other educators who might be interested please let them know. They would need to provide an email address from an educational institution in order for to qualify."
This is from an email from the owner.Firefox add on browser that I'm told helps with searching for content similar to web pages you are own. Worth a try.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.