Daily Spotlight on Education 08/15/2009

  • If your school doesn't have the health department to come in and brief your teachers - you are not only risking health but also something like this.

    The city of New York is being sued with a wrongful death suit for not addressing H1N1 in their school more proactively.
    Call your health department and get a 20 minute session on it - it should be free and you'll be responsibility. Do it because it is the right thing and not because you'll be sued (although that is a risk.)

    tags: education, h1n1, science, health

  • "The North Atlantic Ocean has spawned more hurricanes and tropical storms over the last decade than it has since a similarly stormy period 1,000 years ago, according to a new study."

    This article would be excellent for some discussions in science about climate change.

    tags: education, science

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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