Victory Party or Pity Party? Your choice. #goodlife

Helen Keller
Helen Keller (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"I complained that I had no shoes till I saw a man that had no feet." Unknown.

 Essential to living a sane life: proper perspective about our problems.

Most people would rather have a pity party than a victory party.

Ten pounds in 2 1/2 weeks and I feel great. Weight Watchers and an hour workout six times a week. I've lost my mind, you say? No, I've found it. 

Mrs. Grace Adkins, our 85 year old learning lab coordinator at the school, started riding her bike an hour a day, six days a week back in January and has de-aged at least 15 years. She looks great and her mind is sharp and totals 120 miles a week. She's 85 and makes no excuses. What's my problem?

My problem was making excuses instead of taking care of business. If this body I inhabit isn't my business then nothing else is. Knee problems aside, I can do something for an hour a day six days a week: walk, turtle jog (my very slow form of running since I hurt my knee), yard work, pilates, treadmill, play Wii fit. If an 85 year old can do it, I have no excuse at all for my decision to be sedentary. Let me ask you, if this 43 year old can do it, what is your excuse?

I choose the victory party not the pity party. How about you?
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." George Eliot 
I'm committed to living a good life, are you?

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