#01: Awesome Apps for iPads in the Elementary Classroom
MEET MY NEW PODCAST: The 10-minute Teacher Show-- for Remarkable but Busy Teachers
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Karen Lirenman (@KLirenman) and Kristen Wideen (@mrswideen) have written the definitive book on using iPads in the elementary classroom, Innovate with iPad: Lessons to Transform Learning in the Classroom.
The problem with iPads is there are so many apps and so many choices. It is easy for teachers to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. Even worse, some teachers just use them for “game day” and miss the opportunity they have to do help students learn with them.
Enter to win the book Innovate with Ipad by leaving a review on iTunes. You’ll also be entered in our Makerbot Replicator Mini+ give away. Contest rules are at the bottom of this post.
Today’s show will help settle the dust and bring clarity to iPads in the elementary classroom.
In this podcast episode, we cover a lot in just a few short minutes. We talk about favorite apps and biggest mistakes with implementing iPads in the classroom. Topics include:
- Kristen and Karen’s favorite apps (that they use almost every day)
- The basic workflow of each of the apps with their students
- Lessons learned from their first few years of using iPads with kids
- Mistakes that teachers don’t want to make when they get started!
I hope you enjoy this episode with Karen Lirenman and Kristen Wideen! Leave a review on iTunes to enter the drawing for their book and the Makerbot Replicator Mini+. See below for contest rules.
[Stitcher coming soon!]
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- Stream by clicking here.
- Download this episode as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “Save As.”
Want to hear more about this show? Listen to my first episode of this podcast where I tell a story about a remarkable teacher and about this new podcast, the 10-minute Teacher.
Selected Links from this Episode
TRANSCRIPT #01: Awesome Apps for iPads in the Elementary Classroom.
Full Bios of our Guests
Kristen Wideen
Kristen has spent her career teaching and engaging primary school children in the United States and Canada.Through her innovative, student-driven projects, she teaches classes to take chances and develop the skills necessary to succeed in the twenty-first century. Kristen encourages her students to create, collaborate, and be open to try new things in her classroom every day. She earned her bachelor’s degree in education through the University of Windsor, completed her master’s in the art of teaching at Marygrove College in Detroit, Michigan, and was recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator. She frequently writes about her educational journey at www.mrswideen.com, and enjoys inspiring educators to use technology in innovative ways by speaking at conferences.
Karen Lirenman
Karen Lirenman is a grade-one teacher in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, who loves to provide her students with choice in how they learn, show, and share their knowledge. She engages them globally through video conferencing, Twitter, and blogging and uses technology as seamlessly as possibly to make this all happen. http://ift.tt/2jEnjx9
Contests included in this show
BOOK GIVE AWAY: Innovate with iPad: Lessons to Transform Learning in the Classroom
- Manner of Selection of Winners: All participants with a valid Twitter or Instagram handle who leave a review on iTunes for the 10-Minute Teacher between February 1, 2017 and midnight on February 2, 2017 will have their handles put into a random drawing to determine the winner.
- Geographic Area and Eligibility: This is being shipped by the author and the location that is being shipped to should be commensurate with the shipping cost to North America. If it is not, an alternate winner may be awarded.
- Dates: February 1, 2017 – February 2, 2017 at midnight EST.
- How Prizes Will be Awarded: All names of people who leave reviews on iTunes will be put into a random drawing by the prize administrator.
- Determination of date of winner: February 3, 2017 the name will be drawn and the winner will be notified.
- No purchase necessary.
- Alternate method of free participation. You may also enter with a social media posting on Instagram or Twitter linking to the show using the hashtag #10MT.
- Winner’s name will be posted on this blog before February 27, 2017.
- Void where prohibited.
- MakerBot Replicator Mini+ Giveaway Contest Rules
- Manner of selection of winners: All classroom teachers with a valid Twitter or Instagram handle who leave a review on iTunes for the 10-Minute Teacher show will have their handles put into a random drawing to determine the winner. Those who leave a review between 2/1/2017 and 2/3/2017 will have two entries for each review. The winner will be required to verify that they are a classroom teacher and that the MakerBot Mini+Replicator will be used in the classroom. Or, if the winner is not a classroom teacher, we must verify with an appropriately designated principal or administrator of the location in a classroom where the device will be placed. Winning another prize during the contest period from the 10 Minute Teacher Show does not exclude the winner from winning this prize. All reviews of the show are eligible for entry.
- Geographic Area and Eligibility: Due to shipping costs, this contest covers the United States and Canada. Classroom teachers or those in schools who will place the device in a classroom for student use are eligible to apply.
- Dates: February 1, 2017 – February 14, 2017 at midnight EST.
- How Prizes Will Be Awarded: All names of people who leave reviews will be put into a random drawing by the prize administrator.
- Determination of date of winner: February 15, 2017 the name will be drawn and the winner notified and verified to be a classroom teacher or to place the device in a classroom. If the winner does not meet qualifications, another winner will be selected.
- No purchase necessary.
- Alternate method of free participation: You may mail your name, mailing address, email, phone number, and school name to ATTN: Lisa Durff 26 Beall Street, Frostburg, Maryland 21532.
- Winner’s name will be posted on this blog before February 27, 2017.
- Void where prohibited.
The post #01: Awesome Apps for iPads in the Elementary Classroom appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
From http://ift.tt/2jEwxt6
via Vicki Davis at coolcatteacher.com. Please also check out my show for busy teachers, Every Classroom Matters and my Free teaching tutorials on YouTube.