#17: Microsoft One Note: Useful Tips and Tricks for the Classroom
10MT | A 10-Minute Teacher Interview with Dr. Tom Grissom
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Let’s learn about One Note with Dr. Tom Grissom. But perhaps to understand why I’m a Microsoft One Note fan, I’d like to tell you a story from several months a go. This past fall, I ran into my former student, Miller, at an away football game. She had made the University of Georgia website as a top student and was just starting medical school.
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As it goes when I connect with very dear students, we had a long talk about her life and future. She’s truly exceptional and was such a joy to teach. Then, she said,
“Do you know the most useful thing you ever taught me?”
I didn’t know and she said,
“One Note. I pulled in my professor’s slides and took notes. I could do so many useful things. It was the best thing you’ve ever taught me.”
So, I admit, I dusted off some old lessons and did a little more teaching with One Note this year. This jewel of a notetaking app is free on all platforms. It is also the subject of today’s Tech Tool Tuesday with Dr. Tom Grissom. Tom is using One Note with his higher ed students in all kinds of ways.
In today’s show, Tom shares:
- An explanation of One Note
- The collaborative features of One Note
- How One Note relates to current cognitive theories of learning
I hope you enjoy today’s show with Tom!
- Listen on iTunes
- Stream by clicking here.
- Download this episode as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “Save As.”
Want to hear another Tech Tool Tuesday? Listen to my favorite 31 tech tools from last Tuesday.
Selected Links from this Episode
Some links are affiliate links.
- Dr. Tom Grissom’s Blog: http://ift.tt/2m7xzAC
- Dr. Tom Grissom on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tomgrissom
- One Note http://ift.tt/1bcGzYg
- Evernote https://evernote.com/
- Are you teaching with punch cards? http://ift.tt/2m7nxzj
- Pedagogy 365 http://ift.tt/2lH0kqh
- One Note Class Notebook – http://ift.tt/1BM4ZuB
- Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning http://amzn.to/2mgizj6
DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT: Episode 17 Tom Grissom – One Note
Full Bio
Dr. Tom Grissom
Tom Grissom, Ph.D. is the Director of the Instructional Technology Center at Eastern Illinois University. The ITC is one of the premier teacher education resource centers in the State of Illinois serving the faculty, staff, and students in the College of Education & Professional Studies.
Dr. Grissom is a Microsoft Innovative Education Expert (MIEE) and focuses on the strategic implementation of technologies to improve the teaching and learning process. His specialties include the use of OneNote notebooks and digital inking in the classroom and beyond.
Dr. Grissom oversees and produces a growing collection of online resources including the TechTalk4Teachers podcast (now in its tenth year), ITC Techshare YouTube Channel, a Docs.com Journal, and many OneNote notebook examples. You will find links to these and many other resources at:
Contests included in this show
- Dave Burgess’ 22 Books from Burgess Consulting that are part of this give away. You have through midnight tonight, February 21 to leave a review on iTunes with your Twitter handle or Instagram handle to enter to win one of Dave’s 22 books!
- Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess
- P is for Pirate by Dave and Shelley Burgess
- Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% to the Next Level by Don Wettrick
- Learn Like a Pirate: Empower Your Students to Learn, Collaborate, and Succeed by Paul Solarz
- Ditch that Textbook by Matt Miller
- 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom by Alice Keeler and Libbi Miller
- The Zen Teacher: Creating Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility in the Classroom by Dan Tricarico
- Master the Media: How Teaching Media Literacy Can Save Our Plugged in World by Julie Smith
- The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros (See his series of conversations with me on this book, here.)
- Explore Like a Pirate: Engage, Enrich, and Elevate Your Learners with Gamification and Game-inspired Course Design by Michael Matera
- Play Like a Pirate: Engage Students with Toys, Games, and Comics by Quin Rollins
- See the rest of these books here: http://ift.tt/2e4JXxe
- BOOK GIVE AWAY: Select one of Dave Burgess’ 22 books from Burgess Consulting for each of three lucky winners who enter by giving a review on iTunes and their Twitter or Instagram handles.
Teach Like a Pirate is one of the 22 books you could select if you are one of today’s three winners of the book giveaway!
- Manner of Selection of Winners: All participants with a valid Twitter or Instagram handle who leave a review on iTunes for the 10-Minute Teacher between February 20, 2017 and midnight on February 22, 2017 will have their handles put into a random drawing to determine the winner.
- Geographic Area and Eligibility: This is being shipped by the author and the location that is being shipped to should be commensurate with the shipping cost to North America. If it is not, an alternate winner may be awarded.
- Dates: February 20, 2017 – February 22, 2017 at midnight EST.
- How Prizes Will be Awarded: All names of people who leave reviews on iTunes will be put into a random drawing by the prize administrator.
- Determination of date of winner: February 24, 2017 the name will be drawn and the winner will be notified.
- No purchase necessary.
- Alternate method of free participation. You may also enter with a social media posting on Instagram or Twitter linking to the show using the hashtag #10MT.
- Winner’s name will be posted on this blog before February 27, 2017.
- Void where prohibited.
The post #17: Microsoft One Note: Useful Tips and Tricks for the Classroom appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
From http://ift.tt/2lBQK7M
via Vicki Davis at coolcatteacher.com. Please also check out my show for busy teachers, Every Classroom Matters and my Free teaching tutorials on YouTube.