Daily Spotlight on Education 11/14/2008
The New Team - Joel I. Klein - Series - NYTimes.com
Names are popping up for education secretary amidst much discussion. Here is a recent one that I've seen named several times -- Joel Klein, chancellor of NYC public school system.
It is called "mathetude" - however, this digg-like aggregator for technology and education is fascinating with readers giving "apples" to the news stories. I've enjoyed browsing through what they have in this repository of current news.
Tulsa World: TPS refuses to release report on school
TPS reports have a whole new meaning in Tulsa Public Schools where the report overviewing conditions at their alternative school are being withheld. This is a "dicey" area at best and one that no administrator wants to be in.
I have friends who work at alternative schools and tell me that they are basically ignored and not treated as "legitimate" educators. NO teacher is a babysitter. NO teacher is a "jailkeeper." Teachers need to teach and if conditions are bad, people should know about it.
Just a thought for the administrators out there, if you have an alternative school in your charge -- have you gone over lately to sit in on a class. And if you're not going to sit in on a class or are afraid to, then how do the teachers feel? Get out there and improve education for everyone. For, in this sort of situation as with TPS, everyone loses.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.